It's been so long I'm sorry :')

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Hello my fellow readers, I know that you have all been expecting a new chapter.. for almost 2 months. And it is coming! I am 99% the chapter will come out this week, if not today then one day of this week. Promise.

I won't give you any excuses because the truth is that sometimes I forget about this story until I see comments wanting the next chapter and it's like.. oops-
But, I do plan on finishing the story, do not worry about that. Even if it takes me the rest of the month, I will finish this story. At least till season 3 of the show, I'm still not sure if I'll continue to season 4 but we'll see :)

Btw, I still can't believe that we already have more than 30k reads and more than 1k votes! that is insane, tysm. For that, I'll be making a Christmas special that I will launch the 23rd of December. Thank you so so much for the support and the amazing comments that make me chuckle every single day.

_Yours, The Author

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