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The Upside Down

Johnathan, Nancy and you grabbed th box with the traps inside of the the Byers's house. First thing we did: we placed all the Christmas lights back up. Then Johnathan placed the bear trap with Nancy while I prepared a baseball bat with nails in it.

We prepared a trail of gasoline to the bear trap, where when the Demogorgon stepped on it, we would light it up. In any case, Nancy had loaded a gun, Johnathan had the lighter and you had the bat with nails.

You three gathered in a circle, each one of you holding a knife close to your palm and reviewed the plan. "Remember.." Johnathan started "Straight into Will's room. And--" Nancy continued "Don't step on the trap" you interrupted "Wait for the yo-yo to move." Johnathan continued after you. "And then.." you said, looking at Johnathan who showed a flame with the lighter.

"All right.. You ready?" Johnathan asked, looking up at you and Nancy. Both of you just nodded. You grabbed the knife and placed it on your left hand, still not cutting it, though. "On three.." Johnathan said "One... Two.." Johnathan looked at both of us "You don't have to do this--" Johnathan started "Johnathan, shut up" you said, a bit scared of what you all were about to do. The cut had to be deep so blood would drip from it to attract the Demogorgon. "I'm just saying, you don't have to--" Johnathan continued "Johnathan, stop talking" Nancy said "Three" you finally finished and cut your hand.

You winced a little at the pain. There was blood dripping from your palm. "I'll.. I'll go get the first aid kit" you said, while your blood was dripping onto the floor. You went into the kitchen and search for the kit in one of the shelfs. "Here" you said, handing over the kit to Nancy.

You bandaged Nancy up, she bandaged Johnathan and the Johnathan started to bandage you up. "You know.. I'm not mad anymore.. For the.. The picture" you started, he looked up at you. "Ah, yeah? I'm.. Sorry about that.. The picture, I.. I shouldn't have taken it" he stammered through his sentence. "But, I just wanted to know.. Why did you took it?" you asked him "I don't.. I don't know. I'm a creep, I guess" he said. You placed your right hand on his cheek "You are not a creep. You just.. Have trouble speaking to people. But, you can talk to me.. You know that, right?" you said, now he already finishing by placing tape on your bandage. "Yeah.." he looked at you.

"Nancy--" Johnathan started, but was interrupted by a banging on the door. We all jumped at the sudden noise. "Johnathan?" Steve could be heard at the other side of the door. "Steve?" you almost whispered at Nancy. "Are you there, man? It's... It's Steve!" he kept on yelling from outside. All of us looked at each other confused, and worried. The Demogorgon could be near here in any second and we didn't want to Steve to get involved in this danger. "Listen, I just wanna talk!" he kept on banging on the door.

Nancy had enough and went to open the door. It could be heard a few words, but it couldn't be heard so good by how Steve lowered his voice when Nancy went to the door. Suddenly, he barged in asking what was going on.

He then stopped in his tracks, looking around at all the mess. He looked at Johnathan and then at me "Wh- Y/N? What is the- what is-. Woah. What is all--" Steve looked so confused and filled with questions. "Steve you need to leave, right now." you said, trying to push him on the way to the door. Johnathan doing the same. "Listen to me, Harrington. We're not asking you, we're telling you. Get out!" you kept on saying, when suddenly Nancy grabbed the gun and pointed it at Steve. "Steve, get out!" Nancy yelled at Steve, gun in hand. "Wait. What?? What is going on?!" Steve stuttered out, kepoing his space from Nancy. "You have five seconds to get out of here." she said. "Okay, is this a joke? Stop. Put the gun down." he said, as calmly as he could.. Which.. Wasn't very calmed, not gonna lie.
"I'm doing this for you" Nancy said, and started the countdown from 5.

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