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Trick or treat, freak

"Oh! I want to see those pearls. Yeah!" you heard your mom exclaiming, while she was taking pictures of your brother in his Ghostbusters costume. "Yes, Dusty! Show off those pearls" you joked around. He shot you a glare. "Don't you listen to her, you look adorable!" your mom told him, still with her camera in hand. "I'm running late, so you'll have to go on your bike to school." you said, grabbing your helmet and going through the door. "Wha— Come on!" Dustin whined, seeing he wasn't going to enjoy a cool motorcycle ride to school that day. "See ya!" you ignored him and closed the door behind you.

As you had arrived to school, your class went on normally. Until Nancy approached you "Hey, Y/N. Um, Steve and I are gonna go to the library to do some homework, do you wanna come?" she said, with her books in hand. "I'd love to.. But I don't have anything to finish. So... Maybe another time?" you said to her. "Yeah, sure." she replied, with her normal smile.

Before she could leave, you wanted to make sure she was ok. "Wait, Nancy." you called out to her. She hummed in response "Are you okay? How are you holding up?" you asked her. She first look a bit confused, until you saw the realization hitting her. "Oh, I'm.. I'm fine" she replied. But you knew she was lying "Nancy..." you looked at her "You can talk to me" you reassured her. She looked at you and then approached closer.

"Is just not fair.. You know? All this people act like nothing happened. And now her parents are selling their house! To.. To find what??" she stuttered between her words. "Well, what can we do?" you asked her "Tell them!" she said, a bit too loud. "Nancy--" you were about to oppose, when the bell rang. "We'll talk later about this, yeah?" you told her, knowing that you had to rush to class. "Yeah" she looked a bit disappointed.

After classes you went to your bike. Already placing your helmet on top of your head you heard your name. "Is it yours?" you heard a male's voice behind you. When you turn around you saw the new kid walking over to you. "Uh, yeah..? Is there a problem?" you sighed. Already knowing this was going to be one of those times. "Oh, there's no problem. I just couldn't help but stare" he said, checking both you and the bike out. You noticed this and decided to made a little move "Which one, me or the bike?" you said a sarcastic grin. He chuckled at this. "What's you name, sweetheart?" he said, lighting up a cigarette. "Y/N. Henderson." you said almost rudely, not liking the nickname this guy called you. He looked like he was about to say something else, when you both noticed a red-haid approaching on her skateboard.

"Hey, Max. Nice to see ya" you said, giving her a smile. "Ah, hi. So, you met Billy" she said, placing her skateboard under her arm. "Yeah, I have." you said, looking at the guy who now you knew was named as Billy. "You're late" Billy said to her, in a harsh tone. "Yeah, I had to get catch-up homework." she said, holding her skateboard by her side. "Jesus. I don't care. You're late again, and you're skating home" he said to her.

You felt bad that Max had to deal with this type of jerk "Then I guess I'll give her a ride home." you said. Billy now was looking at you. "I have no problem with it, wanna go for a ride Maxie?" you said, starting your bike's engine. Max's eyes lighted up at the suggestion. "I don't think so. I'm responsible for her, so I'm not letting her go with some stranger." he said. Obviously jealous of what could be Max's great experience on a bike like yours.

You dramatically gasped "Stranger? Weren't you trying to work your 'charmer moves' on me just a few minutes back?" you said, in a sarcastic to tease him. "Just get in the car Maxine." he said, now getting inside of the blue camaro.

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