S3 || CHAPTER 1 || PART 2

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During this past week you've been in town, you and Steve hung out more. Robin compromised into covering some shifts for Steve if you helped with the Ice cream shop for a few days as well later on. In which you agreed.

Right now you were at Steve's house sitting by the pool with your feet in the water. "So, Nancy is working at the newspaper now?" Steve asked out of curiosity, seeing how you guys touched topic into what you were working on. "Yeah, but don't think much, her coworkers are a piece of shit" you said, remembering your chat with her a week ago. "How so?" he asked. "They're all men" you said, not thinking twice with what you said.

Steve cleared his throat and looked at you. You realized what you just said "I mean, like.. Afult sexists who treat women like shit type of men, y'know?" you said, trying to explain yourself. "Oh, yeah. Okay" he finally understood. "What type of man am I?" he said, looking deep into your eyes. It brought you back the night of Snow Ball. You could get lost in them if you stared at them for too long. "Well, you're the type of man that actually cares about other people than himself." you said, not realizing you too were leaning in closer to each other. "Oh, yeah? What else?" he said. Narcisstic idiot. You chuckled "You care about the kids. You care about me" you said. Steve leaning closer and so were you. "I can assure you that's true" he chuckled. "Those kids truly like you. Especially Dustin" you said, not realizing your faces were inches away. "Yeah, that brat is something alright." he replied to your statement. "Yeah, Dustin sure is.. Dustin.." your lips were almost about to touch until.

"Dustin" you said again. The sudden realization hit you. "Dustin!" you stood up from your sit and Steve almost fell to the front, your igure not being there anymore. "What about him?" he said confused looking at you, while you were putting on your boots.

"I was supposed to pick him up an hour ago from camp!" you exclaimed, cursing to yourself. "Shit, shit shit" you said, going outside. "I thought your mom was picking him up?" Steve asked, standing up. "No, she's running some errands, that's why she asked me. Shiiittt" you said making your way across Steve's living room. "Ah, can I borrow your car?" you said with puppy eyes to Steve. "What?" Steve exclaimed. "Please! I'll give it back to you the second I'm done picking up Dustin." you almost begged.

Steve looked at you, but he couldn't say no. "Fine" he threw you the keys across the room. "Thank you, thank you, thank you!" you said grabbing the keys and walking out the door. "You owe me!" Steve yelled at you while you drove away. You gave him a thumbs up through the window and made your way to pick up your brother.

It took you a bit more than 40 minutes to arrive to the station where Dustin was waiting for you. The second Dustin saw you coming up to him running he didn't knew if to smile because he missed you, or yell at you because he thought you had forgotten about him. "I'm so sorry" you said, panting. He looked at you with a grin poker face. "I've been here for an hour and a half. Alone" he said looking at you. Guilt is what he was looking for you to feel with those statements, that's for sure. "I know! I'm sorry, I'm sorry!" you said, genuinely feeling guilty and embracing him in a huge hug.
"I missed you, Dusty." you said, parting from the hug. "Doesn't seem like it" he said sarcastically. "I said I'm sorry!" you said picking up his bag and carrying it to the car.

Dustin took a look at the car. "So this is where you were? At Steve's? Gross!" he said, already imagining weird and gross scenarios of what you could've possibly be doing at Steve's house. "It wasn't like that. I went there early in the morning and we were just handing out" you said, getting on the car.

"Yeah, for sure." Dustin said, with a not so convincing voice that Hu trusted what you said. "Look at me." you said to him and he looked at you. "Nothing. Happened." you said. And it was the truth. Well... Almost. But no need to get into detail, right? "Okay" this time, Dustin did sounded like he believed you.

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