S3 || CHAPTER 1 || PART 1

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Suzie, do you copy?

"An ice cream shop? Really?" you said over the phone "can you believe it? Can't believe my dad did this to me. Actually, you know what? I do believe it. He's a jerk." Steve said over the phone. "You're dad's an asshole, that's for sure. But hey, remember, you're the one who didn't want to study for the final exams to help you get into college" you said to him while laying on your bed petting Tews. "Are you blaming this on me? You're supposed to be on my side!" he complained back to your statement "I mean, am I right or am I wrong" you replied. There was a silence there that responded to your question. "Exactly" you finished.

You made it into college just fine, your nerd years of high school saved your ass, but, you weren't starting until next year. You wanted to hang around town a little more before leaving. But Steve? Steve hadn't even made it into college. You felt bad for him, but that's what he gets for not worrying enough about his grades during senior year.

"Anyway, you said you were coming back today, right?" he said Steve asked "I'm actually already home, I arrived about an hour ago" you chuckled. "What?? Why didn't you tell me?" he exclaimed. "Well, I'm telling you now, right?" you said to him.

You had for a week to do a little part-time job in Dustin's camp as a helper and guide while one of the guys was sick. But he had already recovered, so you were already home. Dustin right now was in the science summer camp, Camp Knowhere, you went when you were around his age, so the people from there already knew you, so that was one of the reasons you went there to lend a hand. He wasn't coming until next week, but God you already missed his presence. 

Catching up on things, Nancy and Johnathan were working on a shitty post office on the other side of Hawkins, where all the old stores used to be, while Steve worked as an ice cream man in the new Starcourt Mall.

"I haven't seen the new mall yet, so maybe I'll stop by Scoops Ahoy and maybe, just maybe my presence will make your day less miserable," you said sarcastically over the phone. You heard him chuckle and you did as well. "Well, I start working tomorrow at 10, I have to go," he said. "Yeah, I should go too. I barely got any sleep taking care of the little shits back at camp" you complained and scratched your forehead. "Goodnight, Steve," you said to him "'Night, Y/N" and so you two hung up.

It was already tomorrow morning, and you were going to have a look around the new mall of Hawkins, Starcourt, with the kids. They surely loved going there. I mean, of course, it was the first shopping mall in Hawkins and it was huge! So many stores in only one place, it was crazy.

You put on yourself a cool outfit, grabbed your bag, ruffled your hair a bit to make it look more decent, and made your way to the door. "I'll be going to the mall, see ya later mom!" you yelled from the door already closing it and making your way to your motorcycle.

It took you about 10 minutes to get there, and boy, this place was bigger than you thought. The kids were already waiting for you there. The only reason why they hadn't seen you yesterday was because you arrived at 12 am. Will was the first one to notice your bike parking lot and you saw him pointing at you, and soon after, a bunch of kids coming running at you. "Y/N!!" they all exclaimed and gave you the biggest hug. "We missed you" you heard Will say "I missed you all too," you said looking at every one of them, except... "Hey, where's El?" you looked at Mike. "Hopper won't let her come to the mall, says there's.. too many people and it's too dangerous" Lucas replied. "Because it is dangerous!" Mike said back at him. "It is not!" Lucas said back "Kids, kids, come on. Hasn't passed 5 minutes yet and ya'll already fighting?" you said back at both of them.

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