S2 || CHAPTER 8 || PART 1

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The Gate

Eleven was standing by the door, blood coming out of her nose. Her style more punk and her hair had finally grown. Mike stepped forward with teary eyes and a smile at the sight of her. El and Mike embraced each other in a tight warm hug. "Is that.." Max asked us, Lucas, Dustin and you just nodded, still in awe at the sight of Eleven.

"I never gave up on you. I called you every night. Every night for--" Mike started, tearing up already "353 days" Eleven interrupted him. Mike gave her an odd look "I heard" she continued. "Why didn't you tell me you were there? That you were okay?" Mike questioned Eleven.

"Because I wouldn't let her" the Chief said, stepping forward to both of the kids. "The hell is this? Where you been?" the Chief said. He seemed a bit angry, but then again, the Chief alywas looks angry at something or someone. But his tone was more of a concerned father. "Where have you been?" Eleven replied back. The Chief embraced her in a hug.

"You've been hiding her" Mike said, almost in disbelief. 'Oh, shit is going down from here' you said to yourself. We all looked at the Chief in an odd way. "You've been hiding her this whole time!" Mike said, pushing the Chief. "Hey! Let's talk. Alone" the Chief said to Mike, pulling him to another room.

While the Chief and Mike were talking, more like yelling, you placed your gun in the back of your pants and walked towards El, to give her the biggest hug you've given someone in a long time. "You had me so worried" you said, patting her head. "I missed you" Eleven just said, you pulled away from the hug and dried her tears. "I missed you, too. A lot." you smiled at her. "Also,  this style? It looks good on you, pretty.." you started "Bitchin" El finished your sentence. You looked at her almost in shock. Where the hell has this kid been doing? "Yeah, bitchin" you repeated with a chuckle.

Eleven went to hug Lucas and Dustin. It was so nice to see friends getting back together after such a long time. Too bad it was in these circumstances, though. You noticed Eleven touching Dustin's teeth "Teeth" you heard her say. "What?" Dustin asked "You have teeth" Eleven said.

Of course, last time El saw Dustin his teeth weren't full grown yet. "Oh. You like these pearls?" Dustin said with his typical smile, and then purred. Something he kept doing since his teeth came. You pat his shoulder "Great, now you're scaring her." you said, noticing El's little jump at Dustin's weird noise.

"Eleven?" you heard Max behind you "Hey. I'm, I'm Max. I've heard a lot about you" Max said, standing her hand for Eleven to shake it. Instead of doing so, Eleven just walked passed her...Okay, awkward moment.

Eleven went to say her hellos to the rest of the group. She never really met Steve, so she didn't really said hi to him. Just a small hand wave, which he returned.

"So, what? This kid was like super powers, or something?" Steve asked you, once everyone was a bit more calmed and El had gone to see Will. "Telekinesis to be exact. She can move stuff with her mind" you explained to him. "And you all know her how?" Steve questioned, seeing how he was involved in the madness from last year but never really actually heard of this girl.
"She's the one who got rid of the monster, basically" you explained to him. Steve just nodded in understanding.

Eleven started to catch up into everything that has been going on since she wasn't around. "It's not like it was before. It's grown" the Chief sighed. "A lot. And, I mean, that's considering we can get in there. The place is crawling with those dogs." Hopper continued. "Demo-dogs" Dustin corrected. "I'm sorry, what?" the Chief asked Dustin with a sigh. "I said, uh, Demo-dogs. Like Demogirgon and dogs. You put then together, it sounds pretty badass--" Dustin started, feeling proud of the name he had created for the monsters.

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