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Dig Dug

Dart had eaten your Mom's cat. Holy. Shit.

That night, Dustin slept in your room for obvious reasons. The wholesome thing to do would be for you to sleep on the floor and him on the bed. But due to the fact that all of this was his fault, you weren't sleeping on that floor. Hell no. But weren't going to let your brother sleep on the floor either. So, you built him a little fort so he could be comfortable in.

"What's the plan for tomorrow?" Dustin asked, looking at you from his pillow fort. "We're obviously not going to tell mom a monster from another dimension ate our cat. That's for sure" you said in an asot joking way. "So.. We're gonna make her think that Mews is lost. And tomorrow we get the hang of this." Dustin planned, and it wasn't a bad idea. "okay. Then, all we have to do is just think of what to do next, right?" you asked him. "Yup" he simply replied. "Okay" you sighed.
And you both started to close your eyes, trying to forget the events of this afternoon.

Next morning, Dustin had to do a fake call. As if someone had seen Mews somewhere far from here, so your mom could be busy all day, while you two could fight, kill, or do whatever you had to do with this thing. "Y/N, honey, are you sure she's not in your room?" your mom said, coming in after calling for Mews for 30 minutes outside.

"No, mom. I promise, she's not there" you said to her. And you weren't lying, but it hurt you to see your mom so concerned about her dead cat. And she didnt even knew about it. "Uh-huh. Thank you so much, Mr. McCorkle. Thank you so much. You are a true lifesaver. All right, this was great. Thank you. All right. Have a good one." Dustin faked a call over the phone. But it's was getting too damn long, so you signaled him to cut it off. "Bye-bye, now. All right. You, too" he finally said, hinging up.

"All right, great news." Dustin said, turning around to face your mom. "They found her?" she said, almost crying. "No. But they saw her wandering around Loch Nora." Dustin said, in a comforting way. "How did the poor baby get all the way out there?" she said, now crying. "Maybe she got lost. She went for a little walk and.. didn't knew how to return home" you tried to help out Dustin with the lie.

"Yeah, and we'll stay here. In case they call again or she comes back." Dustin said "And you're gonna go help look? Yeah? Yeah?" Dustin said, now starting to give a hug to your mom. "Oh, my God" you sighed silently in the background. "Come on, Y/N. You too. Come give us a hug" Dustin welcomed you in the hug. You just out up a fake smile and hugged your mom tightly. "OK, go." you said to her with a comforting smile.

"I live you, two." she said, grabbing her keys "And we love you. Bye-bye" Dustin said. And just like that, she was gone. Now, time to put the plan in process.

"You go open the underground hurricane shelter, I'll go find protection" you said to Dustin. He just hummed in agreement. You went inside and found some old hockey clothes that would work. You got some salami from the fridge to attract Dart into the trap. And you two were ready to get this thing. "For Mews." you said, looking at Dustin. "For Mews" he repeated.

"Alright, Dart. Breakfast time" you said, opening the door and running away as fast as the suit let you. "Holy shit. Holy shit. Holy shit. Holy shit." you repeatedly said as you walked outside. "Go. Go. Go. Go." you said to Dustin who was eating fort you at the door. "Oh my God. Oh my God. Oh my God." he said repeatedly. You two made it to the little shed that was in your yard and hid there. Waiting for Dart to appear.

You two panted and looked outside. To see if there was any sign of Dart. "Holy shit. There he is" you said, while looking at Dart. That was coming out of the back door. "Yes, yes. Come on. That's it" Dustin said.

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