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Holly, Jolly

It was already morning, and you had to go to school, Dustin had told you that he and the boys were planning on searching for Will after school.
"Why can't you just go with us today? You dumped us last night--" he started arguing "Okay, first of all, you guys didn't even do anything after I left. And I had to go and assembly for Will!" you said back "you are already helping by doing this!" he argued back "But people don't know that!" you looked back at him "What does it matter what others think! That's what you told me!" he said. You couldn't fight that, he was right, and you couldn't keep making excuses. "I.. I just couldn't be there.. okay?.. I'm sorry." he looked at your disappointed "hey, I'll make it up to you.. I'll join you guys in whatever you're planning. After school, I'll pick you up, okay?" you said. Trying to convince him, and he nodded and gave you a smile "deal".

You dropped him at his school, and you were on your way to yours, when you remembered last night. Oh boy, in what trouble was Nancy going to be in with Barb. But that time, Barbara wasn't in the halls like she used to. You thought that maybe she was just early and already went to class..? Or maybe she was just late..? Oh, come on Y/n. Is barb who were talking about, since you've met her sh has never been late. You would ask Nancy later, now, she looked like she was talking to Steve.

At class, Barb's sit was empty so you asked the classmate next to you were she was "Ally, do you know where's Barb?" you asked "I'm sure Nancy knows" but when you were about to ask her, she looked just as confused at Barb's sit. "Nancy, did.. Barb did drove you home last night? Right?" you asked her, she gave and even more confused look "What? No, she wasn't there so I walked." she replied. Oh, now you were worried. "she said that she was going to wait for you" you could see how Nancy's heart broke at that. "I'm sure she is skipping or something..." you wanted to convince yourself with that as well, just hoping something bad didn't happened to her.

Class went by fast, and it was already lunch time. You would always sit with Barbara and Johnathan to eat, but, due to the circumstances, you were left alone. So you had two choices: be in the library like a total loser alone, or sitting with Nancy, Steve, Tommy and Carol... ah, screw it, let's go with Nancy. The guys might even know something about Barb anyways.

You saw Nancy walking up to the table where Steve was, along with those other two douches. "Hey, Nance." you hurried your pace a bit to catch up with Nancy. "Hi, Y/n" she said, now turning back and looking at you. "Do you.. do you mind if I eat with you today? Johnathan hasn't really been around since.. Will. And Barbara is not here, so.." you said awkwardly "Oh, yes. Of course. Come, I'm sure the guys won't mind" she said with a gentle smile.
You reached the table, where Carol had her foot on the table.. For some reason-- "Ugh, I don't care what it is, it's disgusting!" Steve said, while bringing a spoon to his mouth. "As interesting as that looks like Carol, put it away, we're eating here" you said, sitting down and placing your food on the table.
Nancy decided to bring Barbara's topic up "Hey, Tommy. When you left, did you see Barb?" she asked, squinting her eyes at Tommy. "What?" he said, with his moyth full "Barbara, she's not here today" she continued "I seriously have no idea who you're talking about." he chuckled, along with Carol. "Barbara. Red hair, glasses, shy..?" you tried to describe her. "Come on, don't be an ass man. Did you see her leave last night or not?" Stev said, kinda annoyed how Tommy was kidding about Barb's situation. It looked like Tommy had gotten the message when he replied "No, she was gone when we left" he said, still eating. "Probably couldn't stand all that moaning" then Carol and Tommy started making moaning noises and grunting in a sexual way. It grossed me out, but I couldn't look at Nancy. I didn't even wanted to know if Carol and Tommy were serious or just joking. Whatever it was, Nancy wasn't the Nance you met in 2nd grade anymore. Steve tried to convince Nancy and I that Barb was okay, and probably skipping class.. same thing I said..

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