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The Spy

"Wait, woah. What?! That thing is back?" Steve exclaimed. You had told him what happened since the beginning of just a week ago. And, it would be incredibly hard to believe you, but you knew Steve knows what happened last year. "Yup, and we gotta get rid of it before it gets bigger" you said, looking ahead. "Wait a sec. How big?" Steve asked while driving. "First it was like that" he put his fingers close to each other showing a small size "Now he's like this" he said, no using both hands making the size of an adult cat.

"I swear to God, guys, it's just some little lizard, okay?" he said. "For the last time he is not a lizard!" you exclaimed looking at him. "How do you know?" he said. You scoffed at this "How do we know if it's not?" Dustin replied in disbelief "How do you know it's not just a lizard?" Steve and Dustin argued. "Because its face opened up and he ate our cat. That's how!" you replied, louder than you intended it to be. Dustin and Steve looked at you. Steve just nodded at your statement. "Okay" he just said.

You three finally arrived at your house. You couldn't wait to get rid of that little bastard.
You took Steve to the backyard and showed him the place. "Here? I don't hear shit" he said, pointing his bat the red door. "He's in there" Dustin simply replied.

Steve gave a few bangs on the door but no answer "All right, listen. I swear, if this is some sort of Halloween prank--" he said, pointing his flashlight at both at us. But you interrupted him "It is not a prank. What you want me to do? To take my cat out of the ground and show you? So easier, I could just go right over here and open this door for you!" you said. Already tired of this demogorgon bullshit. You walked up to the door and started to unlock the chains.

" Woah, woah, woah! Okay, okay! I believe you!" he said, throwing his hands in the air. You sighed and look at him "Alright, open it." he said, ready to hit anything that came out. But no signal of that thing. Dustin was pointing the flashligjt down the way, shaking. "Let me see that" Steve said, not grabbing the flashlight and taking a look.

"He must be further down there. I'll stay up here in case he tries to escape, you two go ahead." Dustin said. "Wow, thanks, man" you said, patting his shoulder being the first one to enter. "You coming or what?" you said, looking back at Steve. Who just sighed and stepped in.

Further down, you turned the light of the room on. "What's that?" Steve said, pointing at a slimy thing. "Ah, shit" you sweared. Then Steve pointed at a whole on the wall. "Ah, shit!" you said louder. "Dustin, get down here!" you called.
"What happened?" Dustin said, coming down. Steve showed him what it looked to be the molted skin "Oh, shit." He replied to it. Then you made way to show off the whole on the wall "Oh, shit!" he said leaning down to take a look at it.

Steve chuckled "You two really are siblings, huh?" he said. You and Dustin turned around at the same time to look at him. "Not the time" you said with a sigh. The tunnel Dart had created was going all the way up, which you supposed he had scraped to the surface. Which for obvious reasons, concerned you.

"Okay, so what's the plan now?" Steve said, looking at you "We're gonna kill this thing. We gotta buy some meat first" you said, getting out of the hurricane shelter "we're gonna attract him to somewhere far from here and kill it" you said, already out. "Sounds easy" Steve said "Yeah, but will it? This thing molted again, means he's bigger and more dangerous now" Dustin stated. And he was right. "Be right back" you went inside of the house and went to your room. You grabbed a small box that was hidden at the end of your closet, and in it, there was a gun.

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