S2 || CHAPTER 8 || PART 2

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The Gate

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On your way down to the whole you go.

Mike let the rope down, and everyone started to hop into the whole. First Steve, then you, Dustin went after, Max followed him, Lucas came next and Mike was last. Turning on your flashlights you started to look around "Jesus" you said under your breath. This tunnels were all over Hawkins? Damn.

Mike had a brought a "map" to guide you all to the hive-mind, weren't too convinced by it, but it was the best you got.

"I'm pretty sure is this way" Mike said, a tone of uncertain in his voice. "You're pretty sure, or you're certain?" Dustin said also not convinced. "I'm a 100% sure. Just follow me and you'll know." Mike replied to him. "Yeah, no way in hell" you scoffed a laugh. "Exactly, any of you disphits die down here, me and Y/N are getting the blame. Got it, dipshit?" Steve said, pointing his flashlight at Mike's face.

"Y/N and I" you corrected "It's.. It's" Y/N and I" you repeated. Steve looked at you almost in disbelief, everyone else did as well. "What?" you asked innocently. Steve just sighed and grabbed Mike's map and continued to go forward. "From here on out Y/N and I are leading the way. Come on, let's go" Steve said looking at you and then at the group.

You all stared at everything in awe. "What is this place" Max asked. "Guys, come on. Keep moving" Steve said. You were all walking when you decided to look back and check if everyone was doing okay. When you noticed something.

"Where's Dustin?" you asked and pointed your flashlight to where Dustin was supposed to be following. Everybody looked back and that's when you heard screaming "Shit!" you heard dwon the tunnel. "Dustin!" you yelled for your brother, you rushed down to see Dustin kneeled to the floor, cloth off his mouth, coughing.

"What happened? What happened?" Steve said worriedly, we all went around him. You kneeled to him "Dustin, what happened??" you said, your concern just growing when your brother couldn't stop screaming.

You looked up at Steve when he had finsiehd coughing. Dustin looked up at you "I'm okay" he said in the most simplest way possible. You sighed in relief, with a little bit of annoyance mixed in between. "You serious?" Max sighed annoyed "Very funny, man. Nice, very nice." Steve said also in annoyance. You smacked your brother in the head "You scared me to death, you little shit" you sighed annoyed, but relieved.

"Come on" you said, helping your brother stand up. After walking a minute or two, Steve stopped in his tracks. "All right, Wheeler. I think we found your hub" he said, pointing at a huge room that had lots of vines going around it and a big looking-like table on the center. Lots of tunnel surrounding the room as well. "Looks like a hub to me" you said, pointing your flashlight around.

"Let's drench it" Mike said.

You started to pour down everywhere the gasoline you had brought. The walls, the floor, the ceiling of the hub. Everything till it was completely covered in gasoline. After about 5 minutes had passed, we all went to the entrance of the tunnel we came from.

"Light it up, Steve" you said. Steve grabbing the lighter, flicking it open and throwing it in the hub. Didn't take even a second for huge flames to start burning everything up. "Holy shit" you muttered under your breath. "Go, go, go. Let's go!" Steve rushed everyone out, helping you get up, grabbing you by the arm. "Everybody out, come on!" you yelled from behind, Steve running along side you. "Oh, my God. Oh, my God. Oh, my God. Oh, my God." Dustin said whole running.

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