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The Bathtub

You went to Mike's house (I'm so tired of saying the Wheeler's Jesus-). Hopper and Joyce in front, Nancy, Johnathan and you in the back.

When you got there, the place was infested with men in suits, taking away Mike's stuff and inspecting the house. You supposed these are the bad men Eleven talk to you so much about. Nancy got out from the car trying to go to find Mike. You as well, started to get worried about Dustin. Until you looked up and saw a helicopter searching from the sky.

"They haven't found them. Not yet, at least" you pointed at the helicopter. Hopper and Nancy looking up and seeing it too. "That's for Mike??" Nancy asked in disbelief "We need to find them before they do. Do you know where they might have gone?" Hopper asked me. "No, but.. I can contact them"

Out of your bag, you took out your radio "Each one of the boys has one" you said, showing it to the chief. "Give it to me" Nancy said and started to talk. "Mike? Mike are you there? It's me, Nancy. I need you to answer me" no response from Mike. You got worried. "This is an emergency, Mike. Do you copy? Mike, do you copy?" Nancy started to sound desperate. "He won't answer me" she said.

"Let me try" you said "Mike, this is Red Knight asking for you to answer. Please, it is an emergency. Do you copy? Over" you said your code name so they can indeed identify that it was you. You got some weird looks from everyone "Red Knight?" Nancy whispered at you "What, I like playing D&D as well" you looked back at her.

After a few seconds the radio went on again "Yeah, I copy. It's Mike. I'm here... We're here" he said over the radio. You smiled. And then at everyone else that had relief faces.

Hopper drove us to the Byers's house, to wait there for him. You and Nancy murmured a small 'woah' at the sight of the house. There were Christmas lights everywhere, the wall had a hole in it, covered with some planks of wood, the ABC written on the walls and.. Bottom line, it was a mess. "Stay here" that's what Hopper said before leaving. Everyone nodded.

You went to sit on the couch. Along with Johnathan, Nancy and Mrs. Byers. You got out your rubiks cube from your bag and started to try to solve it once again. Until the lights of the car form outside caught your eye. "They're here".

You all stood up and went outside "Dustin. Oh, my God" you exhaled. Relieved to see your brother safe. He came running to you giving you a hug "I'm sorry, I've should've been there. I'm sorry" you murmured into his hair, while you both hugged each other.

"Is fine, and look" he signaled to where El was standing. "Eleven.." you gave her a warm smile, which she returned. Nancy was hugging Mike and telling him how much she was worried about him. "Yeah, uh... Me too" Mike just replied. Nancy then took a look at El and said "Is that my dress?".

Next thing the boys proceeded to do was to explain how the gate worked and how to get there. Something you couldn't explained to the chief back at the station.

"Basically this gate has a really strong electromagnetic field, and that can change the directions of a compass needle" you explained to everyone when Dustin mentioned how Lucas tracked the gate with his compass to the Hawkins lab.

"Is the gate underground?" Hopper asked "Yes" Eleven replied "Near a large water tank?" he continued. El nodded "How do you know all that?" Dustin asked him curiously "Because he's seen it.. Haven't you?" you said, directing to Hopper. He just nodded at you.

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