16. The Junk In Her Trunk

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16. The Junk In Her Trunk

        A finger was repeatedly poking me.

        An ugly-sounding, groan left my lips as I struggled to gain a grip of reality to no avail. I moaned, burrowing my head deeper underneath the sheets covering my face, though the persistent finger continued, refusing to stop its aggravating taps.

         "Wake up!" A feminine voice screeched in my ear, far too loud for this time of morning and another inhuman sound left my lips. "We don't have much time!"

        My body didn't move, my mind still stuck in that place of being half-asleep. I could barely comprehend the words that were being shot at me when a manicured hand gripped my arm and shook, the talons digging into my arm.

        "Savannah! Get up!"

        I struggled to gain enough consciousness to understand exactly what was going on, and I rubbed a hand over my sleepy eyes.

        "What?" I slurred, one of my hands reaching out to explore the sheets to my left, searching for a familiar body. Even with the haze settled over my mind, making it difficult for me to comprehend what was happening, I could sense he was missing. Disappointment welled in me when that realization hit me. "Where's Jace?" Usually I was awaken by his hand tracing lazy patterns over the contours of my back - not by some annoying woman intent on pulling my arm off.

        I swatted at the hand as it poked me once more, before releasing a moan of annoyance. I sluggishly cracked open one of my eyes, not surprised to find a certain blond staring eagerly back at me. "Ashley." I sighed, clasping a hand to my mouth as I released a yawn. "Where's Jace?" I repeated, forcing my exhausted body to sit straight.

        A perfectly plucked eyebrow was raised in my direction as Ashley caught a glimpse of Jace's shirt that swamped my frame. I blushed, pulling the sheets tighter around me and she shook her head, looking amused. "He went to a meeting with my father - which is why we don't have much time. We have thirty minutes at most. Nice hickeys, by the way."

        The memory of what had occurred the night before had me clasping my hands around my neck, hoping to hide the obvious marks that Jace had purposefully littered across my neck. A horrid redness stained my face and I narrowed my eyes at the girl.

        "T-these were an accident." I finally stuttered out, rubbing at where I knew the spots would be, the memory of his lips glued to my skin burned into my mind forever.

        She barked out a laugh, shaking her head. "Uh huh. I'm sure his mouth unintentionally covered you in hickeys."

      Mentally cursing Jace, I looked away from her entertained gaze.  "We didn't have sex." I blurted out, my hands reaching up to cover my bright cheeks.

        Ashley pulled a disgusted expression, waving a hand in front of her face. "I don't even want to know. Just hurry up."

        "For what?" I slowly questioned, unable to understand what she was trying to get done. I ran a hand through my tangled hair, quickly tying it up into a ponytail as she pursed her lips. "Who the hell wakes up this early?" I muttered, stretching my arms above my head in an attempt to wake myself up.

        "We're escaping for the day. I think we both need a break from all this testosterone so we're going shopping." She clapped her hands together, her lips spreading into a wide smile. "And now's our chance since Jace is in a meeting with my father and his two followers are with him." The expression that covered her face had changed into something dark as she tossed a pair of leggings and a shirt in my direction. "But you need to hurry. This is a drama-free day and I want it to stay that way."

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