20. Choices Are Not Always the Preferred Option

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20. Choices Are Not Always the Preferred Option

There are moments when you realize that your life has really changed. Moments that signify that change is inevitable and you can't go back to what was in the past. Moments where you gain a realization of everything that's occurred. Moments when you realize that the past is the past and that there is nothing more depressing than that.

Ricardo Nixon's lips curled into a slow grin, a smile that caused goose-bumps spreading rapidly over the length of my body. The man had aged since the photo I had once seen him in. The wrinkles that were engraved into his forehead seemed to have deepened, as did the lines surrounding his mouth. Strands of grey mixed into his dark hair, only making his once youthful appearance more haggard.

The man standing in front of me surely hadn't been the one I was expecting. I had assumed he would be more intimidating, though his lanky frame and the way his cheeks concaved deeply into the depths of his face alerted me to his lack of health. Tiredness was there as well, buried deep within every movement he made. Instead of the strong and fiercely dangerous looking man I had caught a glimpse of in the picture, this one certainly fell flat.

"Savannah, it's wonderful to finally meet you." Ricardo smoothly greeted, his eyes darting to the man behind me briefly. His eyes seemed to brighten as he moved his body closer to mine, clasping his hands together. "I've heard so much about you."

"Fuck you," I spat in his direction, feeling my temper rise drastically and the adrenaline pumping through my veins at a rapid pace. "Let me go!"

"I don't think so, Honey." He chuckled, the sound only sending chills snaking down my spine. The man shook his head, before pursing his lips, only succeeding in making my aggravation grow. "Then all my plans will have gone to waste. We don't want that."

My teeth grounded together at his words and my hands twisted into two tight fists. "What do you mean?"

"You will learn in time." He shook his hand, running a hand through his greying hair. "There is much to discuss, Savannah. You have many options for yourself."

I struggled with the hands still locking my own in place. Wincing at the bruising grip my captor was holding my frame in place with, my eyes briefly flickered around the darkening pathway we were standing on. From what I could see, no one else was with us.

"Options?" I shifted, not liking how the man's grip tightened on my wrists.

"Oh, yes." Ricardo clapped his hands together, his eyes studying me carefully. "But, that's for another day."

I shifted, still fruitlessly writhing to unlock myself from the man's grip, hoping he would release me, but to no avail. Ricardo smirked before tilting his head at my thrashing form. "He isn't going to let you go, Dear. The next best thing for you is to comply with what we need."

"And that would be?" I spat, allowing my form to still. My hands dropped loosely against my back and I narrowed my eyes stormily at the man in front of me. "This is wrong."

He didn't reply, his intense gaze only studying me with interest as if he was fascinated by something he saw written across my face.

Wishing that I could yank my dress up to cover more of my chest, I shuffled uncomfortably. Nerves were beginning to twist my stomach, the realization of what could occur tonight only making them grow severely. I suddenly felt exposed and vulnerable, more so than I had felt previously.

"What do you want with me?" My breathing was heavy and I watched him with wariness written across every inch of my face.

Ricardo ignored my question, choosing to instead focus on my captor, still gripping my wrists tightly.

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