3. Scary Vans and Unnecessary Hits

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3. Scary Vans and Unnecessary Hits

        White vans.

        In the society I lived in, they were not a good thing to spot. They were like the black cats of the twentieth century.

        My eyes narrowed at the sight of the van, again, driving past my house and I leaned back, hoping to catch a glimpse of the face that was hiding behind those tinted windows.

         Of course, I had no such luck.

         "Sav," Brooke sighed, looking bored, as she flipped through the channels on my television. "It's probably just some construction guy that's working on your street."

        My eye twitched. "That drove by six times in the last hour?"

        Her lips pressed together and it was clear she was trying to keep from smiling at my appearance. Which I didn't blame her for, my hands were tightly clenched into two fists, my narrowed eyes flickering frequently to the window.        

        "Take a chill pill. Or you know what?" A devilish smile appeared on her face. "Call Jace - he's a cop and I’m sure he could take care of your worries."

        To my disgust, Brooke had been suspiciously excited when she had heard who I had ran into at the diner; to my discontent i had been unable to stray her from the idea that Jace and I had some sort of 'thing' going on.

        At the mention of the cop, my face crinkled up and I quickly settled myself on the couch next to her. "I think I’ll just take my chances with my stalker, instead."

        She patted my thigh. "See? Everything is going to be fine."

        "Doesn't make me feel any better." I muttered, raising my hand to brush a clump of hair from my eyes.

        My mind had already made up. That van did not have some innocent construction worker, exhausted from a hard day of work. No, in that van was demon, a stalker demon, intent on sneaking into my house to torture me.

        I wasn't just worrying about the van, either. I was feeling paranoid, as a whole. I was convinced that someone was following. I could feel eyes on me as I worked, as I walked home, hell, even when I was about to sleep. The feeling was uncomfortable and I hated that I felt like I was going crazy.

        Maybe, you are.

        My face morphed into a frown and I straightened. "You know what? I'm bored." No way was I going to let myself go mental by worrying about something completely out of my hands.

        "Huh." Brooke didn't make a move, her eyes still trained on the screen.

        "Brooke." I poked her arm. "Brooke." I whined, when she made no movement.

        Finally, she had had enough of my poking and sat herself up. "Stop. If you're so bored, go get me some coffee."

       I pondered her command, before my shoulders lifted. "Fine. I'll go pick up a couple DVD's too!" Excited with the idea of a movie night, I jumped up. "Anything else you want?"

        "Popcorn." She nodded. "And some chocolate."

         Grabbing my wallet and keys. "I'll be back soon."

        "Savannah? Is that you?" A polite tap on my shoulder had me turning around from my spot in the line at the coffee shop, glancing behind me at the male voice who had spoken. My stomach dropped when i recognized the familiar face.

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