23. A Muddled Mind

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23. A Muddled Mind

Trevor kept a secure hand locked onto my shoulder as he escorted me towards where the jet loomed in front of us. My face was turned down into a permanent scowl, though I could feel my anxiety continue to increase behind the strong front I was putting up.

His grip was almost painful, as if he was hoping to cause some sort of discomfort in me as we approached the aircraft. I could feel my injuries from throughout the night beginning to make themselves known to me and the constant throb of my head could cause even the strongest to grow exhausted.

"Where's Brooke?" I tried, worry for my friend causing my stomach to twist. "What happened to her?" My tone was pleading, though I didn't bother to hide that fact. I could tell from the expression glued to his face that he housed no sympathy for me.

He only ignored my questions, though his fingers increasing the amount of force they were applying to my skin gave me the knowledge that he had clearly heard me.

"What have I ever done to you?" My voice was hushed, quiet. "What did I do to make you hate me?"

Seconds passed by and I didn't think he was going to answer, until he jerked me furiously around to face him.

"You fucked your way out of the position you were in, how does that feel?" Trevor spat, the furious way his words were spat at me shocking me.

"Excuse me?" I questioned, taken aback by his words.

"You heard me. In the end you're just going to keep fucking guys and manipulating people to get out of things. You're a whore with nothing but daddy issues."

"Fuck you." I hissed at him, shaking off his hand from my shoulder long enough to send a flying fist in the direction of his face. A savage smirk twisted my lips when my knuckles connected with his nose and a grunt exited from his body. I knew the second my hit landed that it would be worth the excruciating pain radiating from my knuckles. "You know nothing."

"Fuck!" Trevor hissed out, already moving forward to lock my wrists between his palms. Blood leaked from his nose, spiraling past his lips and dripping from his chin. The look in his eyes spoke of his immense fury and I shrunk back at the sight of it. His hands squeezed tightly and I knew that I would have a set of matching bruises coloring my wrists. "Fucking bitch. I know that you fucked Jace to get to where you are and you must've been a pretty good fuck because you would be g-"

"You're wrong!" I interrupted him, twisting out of his grip as he grabbed my arms once more.

"Am I?" An ugly sneer covered his face, twisting my stomach sharply.

"Yes." I snapped, planting my hands on his chest and shoving him with all the strength I could muster, though it evidently wasn't much because he barely stumbled back. The ferocity grew on his face.

I didn't have time to shake him off before he was slapping a pair of handcuffs onto my wrists, only pausing to narrow his eyes at me as he did.

"You can't do this." I squirmed against his hold, feeling panic rise in me as I realized that I was completely vulnerable to him. Jeremy stood emotionlessly by his side. "I've done nothing to you to make you hate me! You're just assuming things. You're not going to get away with this."

"Watch me." He snickered, swiping his hand across his nose to staunch the blood flow that was continuously dripping down. "Jace would agree with me over you any day, Sweets. And he would definitely agree with me now. Now get your fucking ass moving and get in the damned plane."

Swallowing thickly, I forced my feet to move with his while my eyes scanned for anyone that was vaguely familiar to me with no luck. The need to escape only continued to rise, as well as my resentment for these people. I had allowed them to trick me into believing I was something more to them, when in reality I was nothing more than a pawn in their games.

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