Chapter One

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Chapter One

"Can I ask what you two were doing in there?" The Hunksicle spoke, his eyebrows cocking as he stared down at my stilled form sprawled across his foot. My eyes widened at his implying tone, before they narrowed sharply. Realizing I was still on the ground, I was quick to scramble up, flushing at the smirk painted across his lips.

"Hot cop..." Brooke mumbled, in a daze, her eyes only for the man standing in front of her. "Can I take a photo with you?" She spit out, gripping onto his arm excitedly.

"Brooke!" I shouted, appalled and annoyed as the man's smug expression only grew.

The cop's eyes flickered to the hand of the blonde gripping his arm before nodding. "Of course." He permitted smoothly, his ego practically growing before my eyes

"Excuse me!" I hissed, poking his arm and forcing myself to not get distracted by just how toned it was. "Didn't you just think our behavior was suspicious?" I threw my hands in the air, shooting him a dark look, before jabbing my thumb towards a grinning-Brooke. "And now you're taking pictures with her?"

The man only nodded, cocking his eyebrows in my direction. "And I'll take one with you, of course." He winked, his lips pressing together as they twisted into a conceited grin. "I'm always willing to take a photo. I can't help it if my looks are dashing - I'm not going to ignore my fans." He nudged my best friend, who let out a high pitched giggle.

"Fans?" I blinked, my tone displaying my disgust. "I don't want a photo with you, Stupid! And I'm certainly not a fan." My hands twisted into two tight fists.

The cop crossed his arms, his head tilting slightly as he studied my figure. "Are you threatening a police officer?" He questioned, sounding too amused for my liking.

My glare increased, if that was even possible. "You-"

"So, that picture!" Brooke interrupted loudly, her intent to clearly diffuse the tension that was steadily increasing. She approached me carefully, pressing her phone into the palms of my hands. "You can take it!"

"I don't want to." I gritted out defiantly, before crossing my arms. Brooke shot me an annoyed look.


"Aw." The cop cooed, straightening and tilting his head in my direction. "Are you jealous, Doll? Don't worry, I have time to take one with you too."

My eye twitched. Deciding it was best to ignore his aggravating comment, I switched my gaze to narrow my eyes into Brooke's. "We waited in the sun for an eternity, so you can take a picture with this asshole?"

Brooke scratched her head sheepishly, biting her lip awkwardly.

"You can't blame her." The cop spoke suddenly, slinging an arm around Brooke's shoulders. "You want to see me flex? Even I think it's impressive."

"Can I hit you?" I muttered under my breath, slapping a hand to my forehead. "With a hammer possibly?"

"Is that another threat?"


His expression only seemed to grow more entertained. "Really? Because it sounds like you want to harm me."

"Can't deny that..." I huffed under my breath.

The corners of his lips twisted upwards and he turned his head to wink at Brooke. "I'll ignore your little comment, only because of the blonde right here." The cop jerked his head towards Brooke.

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