17. A Bullet For a Bullet

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Hello, please vote! This chapter was fairly difficult for me to get just right. The plot is thickening :)

On a side note, I'm in Arizona for two weeks so that's why the update wasn't on time.


17. A Bullet For a Bullet   

        "This sucks." I pouted, slumping in my seat as I crossed my arms, wishing the shaking in my hands would stop. "He's going to murder me."

        "Don't be dramatic." Ashley stuck her tongue in my direction as she slowly drove her car down the drive. The house was in the distance, the overwhelming largeness of it only adding to the anxiousness I was beginning to feel. Jace was on our tail, revving his engine impatiently every so often. "Remember, don't give in."

        "I'm not going to. The ass totally deserved it." I muttered, feeling my temper rise with every foot we got closer to the house. "I'm going to really lay it on him."

        Ashley snickered, an amused expression settling on her face. "I'm sure you will. The only thing is that you just don't have the most threatening appearance." She giggled, clasping a hand to her mouth.

        I turned to scowl at the blond. "What's that supposed to mean?"

        She shook her head. "You're really short and you have these non-threatening puppy-dog eyes."

        "That's not true!" I cried out, reaching over to smack her arm. "I'm five foot three!"

        "Only proving my point." She shot me a pointed look. "I'm five inches taller than you."

        The corners of my mouth turned down and I shut my eyes, slumping in the seat. "I don't need to intimidate him anyways. I just need to stand my ground and not let him push me around."

        She chuckled, shooting me a pointed look. "And remember our bet? Keep that in mind."

        Pulling in front of the house, Ashley quickly hopped out. "I'll let him retrieve you." She winked, strutting towards the front door after slamming her car door shut.

        Mumbling curses towards Ashley, I waited, holding my breath and knowing that Jace would be opening my door in no time.

        And sure enough, he was. He appeared, a furious look masking his face as he nearly tore the door off to get to me. "Get out," He snarled, jerking his head towards the house.

        "Sir, yes, Sir!" I shouted, saluting him before I shoved myself out of the car. I immediately began to march towards where he had ordered me to, feeling his eyes burning two holes into my back. I could see the looks of amusement Jace's men had cast each other from the corners of my eyes.

        "Not funny, Savannah." He muttered, moving to catch up with my quick strides before gripping my arm.

        "Stop man-handling me." I swatted at his tight grip. "I'm perfectly capable of walking on my own. If you're so insistent on holding someone, go grab Layton. I'm sure he would be more than willing." I added, hiding my smirk behind the palm of my hand.

        "Savannah," Jace hissed out, giving my shoulder a light shove so I stumbled through the doorway clumsily. "I don't enjoy your sense of humor."

        "But, I do." I gave him a cheeky smile. Enjoying his expression of agitation far too-much, I let my mouth spread into a smug smile.

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