28. Accepting a New Loss

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PLEASE READ: Sorry for the wait, as usual! This chapter was extremely difficult for me to get out and it's long, so it took me awhile. But I wanted you guys to have an extra long chapter to read. This chapter is not edited, as it's over 10,000 words and it would take me forever to edit and I wanted to get it out as quick as possible for you guys. We're right near the end of the book, and then I have plans for a sequel! :) Winter break is coming up for me so I'll try to get ahead of my writing then. College has been keeping me busy so I apologize for that. Please vote and comment! I love reading what you guys have to say. Enjoy!  



28. Accepting a New Loss

I could feel arms around my torso - thick, warm, familiar arms. 

I cracked my eyes open unwillingly, my gaze meeting the neck of the person I was pressed tightly against. Jace was still asleep, his chest rising peacefully. I wanted to resent him, I wanted to slap him for crawling in bed with me and invoking all these feelings, but I knew I couldn't. I was much more inclined to just shut my eyes and cling closer to his body. 

For not seeing him for as long as I had, he looked even more gorgeous than I remembered. Even after a night full of sleep though, there were still bags underneath his eyes, as if he was in dire need of more rest. My heart beat furiously in relief at the sight of him and I knew I ha d missed him more than I ever would admit. 

I knew this wasn't a good idea, so cursing mentally, I slowly began to move away from his inviting body, my chest beginning to ache as I did so. 

That woke him up, his eyes snapping open and moving quickly to meet mine. The peaceful look he had had previously on his face quickly fell into something much darker. His stare had narrowed slightly, lines forming between his eyebrows as he pulled be closer to his body. His arms tightened, keeping me from moving another inch away from him. "What are you doing?"

I narrowed my gaze at him, wanting very much to hate him in that moment. "No, what are you doing? You're in my bed." I pressed a hand against his chest, hoping that I could force some space from his body. 

"You mean my bed." He corrected, letting his head fall on top of my again. I starting to protest, but he shushed me. "I'm trying sleeping."

"After everything, you think I'll be fine sleeping next to you?" I questioned, forcing out a harsh laugh, before I began to struggle to get away from his grip. "Nope, that's not how it works."

He refused to loosen his grip, moving to stare intensely back down at me. "I know I owe you an apology for-"

"Forget it." I squeezed my eyes shut, not wanting to hear his lies. "None of this even matters anymore." And that was true. My fate had been set. In a short matter of time I wouldn't even be by his side. 

"Of course it does." His voice was hushed in the darkness of the room. It was too early still, but now I was wide-awake, anxiety making my chest tight.

"You were gone for awhile." I noted, unable to stop the words from passing my lips, wishing that I could stop the words from spilling from my mouth.

A pregnant pause, filled with complicated questions and a hard tension that made my stomach ache.

"I'm sorry-"

"You don't owe me an apology. You don't owe me anything." I cleared my throat harshly, deciding to study his throat instead of his beautiful face that made my thoughts too mushy and unclear.

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