26. Envelopes

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26. Envelopes


I could feel the deadline looming down on me, suffocating me with the decision I had only five more days to make.

I stared out at the forest spread out in front of me, digging my hands deeper into the depths of my jacket in hopes that they would warm against the chilly air. It was evening, the beginning of fall cause a splatter of leaves to wash across the lawn in an array of colors. I was seated on a stone bench, wishing I was alone, but also knowing of the lone figure behind me.

Watching me.

Guarding me.

Trapping me.

The wind picked up, ruffling my uncombed hair into more of a tangled mess than it was already in. I slowly traced my thumb along the ridges of the bench, sinking my teeth deeper against my lip. The knowledge that my parents had given up on me weighted on my chest, making it feel impossible to inhale.

I blinked, staring unseeingly at the trees in front of my eyes. I could hear Duke shift from foot to foot, his weight causing the dead leaves to crumple and crack under his boots. The tension between us had only seemed to increase, our already fragile acquaintanceship more strained than ever.

"Savannah - there's nothing here. We've been here for over two hours. Let's go back?" His voice was almost a whine, a hidden plea written in his words, but also hostility. "It's cold. Jace wouldn't like this."

I ignored him, knowing that he could go back if he truly pleased. I need time to comprehend what I was going to do and the consequences my actions would have in the coming days. With Jace's return only mere hours away, I felt my panic rise at the time left. His presence overwhelmed my being and caused my thoughts to grow even more muddled, making planning almost impossible.

My hands curled into two fists, my nails digging into my frozen skin. The sky was slowly darkening, the only indication of how much time had passed. I made no move to leave, only shifting my numbed thighs against the granite.

"Savannah." Duke demanded once more, attempting to claim my attention from the trees in front of my gaze. "Savannah, we should-"

"You can go." I finally spoke up, forcing my fists to unfurl and squeezing my eyes shut, wishing that his presence would stop haunting me. "I won't go anywhere, I promise." And I knew that was the truth, for as much as I wanted to escape as far away as I could and hide, I knew that I couldn't.

For Jace.

For Stella.

"You know I can't do that." His frustration was layered in every tone of his voice as I heard him shift behind me once more.

"That's not my problem then." I muttered back, opening my eyes to once more stare blankly out into the darkening forest.

"Savannah." Duke groaned out and I heard the muted sounds of his footsteps against the dirt as he moved closer.

"What?" I snapped, not casting a look in his direction as I continued to stare blankly straight ahead. To be alone was something I yearned for, and Duke's presence was only making my loathing for the people in this house grow. 

"I can't watch you anymore anyways." He stammered out. "My shift is over. So, let's go."

"You can't make me leave here." I stubbornly replied and he exhaled sharply.

"Then I'll have to call Jace and..." He let his sentence trail of, an unspoken threat behind his words.

I lurched up off the bench, turning to face the infuriating man. "You're an asshole." I simply stated, my hands shaking with anger. I didn't cast another glance in his direction as I began to march towards the house, my anger propelling me forward at an amazing rate.

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