5. No Pressure Zone

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5. No Pressure Zone

I was going crazy.

No, that wasn’t meant in a figurative sense - I was positive I was going mentally insane.

"Go away!" I shouted at the door, knowing that it was, again, one of the guys trying to lure me out.

I had locked myself in the bathroom. As juvenile as it sounds, locking myself in a place,  where no one could reach me, seemed like a genius idea.

Of course, Jace didn't find it so amusing and over the four days I had been in here, threatening to break it down him-self. I wasn't too worried about the anger I could feel radiating off of him. My bordering starvation and the throb of my ribs were my main concerns. The hunger had thankfully dimmed to a dull throb in the back of my gut, though I couldn’t say the same for the headache that was pounding through my head.

Do you know what it’s like to go through a day without some carbohydrates?

"Just open the damn door." Jace shouted, his fist banging on it again. "You're acting juvenile! Get the fuck out."


It wasn't like I was trying to frustrate or anger anyone – okay, maybe I was a little. I was more than a little angry at Jace's demands.

I was determined to make him realize that I wasn't just going to sit back and listen to his demands like a good little girl. I have a life and I sure as hell, wasn't going to allow Jace to rule it, just because he was 'head-chief' of some gang.

Okay, maybe I had a life. My boss, sure as hell, wasn’t known as the forgiving and understanding type and me missing however many days I had missed at work, wasn’t going to just ‘fly under the radar’.

As soon as I found myself out of this bathroom, I was going to be a very hungry and very broke girl.

Submissive and a follower was something I did not want to be known as. Growing up in my parent's home had only proved that fact to me. From the young age of fifteen, they had pressured the fact that my values were to be theirs and that didn't sit well with me. I had always been headstrong - a fact they weren't pleased with.

My parents had been raised with a firm set of beliefs, so firm that the opinions that had been set into their heads, could not be changed, something that annoyed me to no end. Their ideas of a good job was something behind a desk, working nine to five, and being the head of company.

Which was the opposite of what I wanted to do.

Hence the camera I took with me everywhere.

Or I had taken everywhere. I scowled, if it had even a little damage to it…

Well, let’s just say someone would be getting something shoved up their ass.

Another knock on the door - this time Ash, echoed through the overly large bathroom. "I really need to check your injuries." He sighed. "And I can't imagine your hunger and thirst are helping your healing process any."

Of course he had to remind me of my stomach.

"I'm fine!" I barked out - a definite lie. My voice was raspy from the lack of talking and I winced at the pain that shot up from throat, as soon as the words shot out of my mouth.  I was starting to feel nauseous, my lack of food wearing on me. "I just want to go home!"

"Like hell." Jace yelled back, his anger burning in his tone. I felt a smile begin to lift the corners of my mouth. Making him angry satisfied me in ways that nothing else can.

And no, that was not some dirty innuendo.

“Er, Savannah? We can hear your stomach growl from out here. You don’t need to lie.” Ash hedged out, humor lining his tone.

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