15. A Warning To Not Mess With Unexplained Feelings

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15. A Warning To Not Mess With Unexplained Feelings


        "You asked for me?" The agitation resonating from Jace's voice was clear, though from the look Marc cast him, he didn't seem to feel threatened by his tone. Jace's hands had tightened into two large fists, his knuckles strained white as the skin tightened.

        "Sit down, Son." Marc's tone droned slowly, as he continued to scribble across the paperwork laid out on his desk. He didn't bother casting a glance to Jace.

        Jace's teeth ground together, bone against bone, as he forced himself to exhale. The lack of respect his father was showing had him on edge. If it had been anyone else, Jace would have quickly and precisely put them in their place. A dark smile twisted his lips at the thought. In the world he was raised in, respect was given to those who had earned it and his father had clearly lost it all over the past years. Jace was still agitated over the situation that had played out in the dining room last night and the fact that he couldn't do jack-shit about it had him fuming.

        Jace's muscles remained tensed as he rolled his shoulders back, hoping to relieve some of the stiffness that his back had acquired. From the expression Marc was desperately trying to cover on his face, Jace knew he was testing him. He wanted him to lose it and Jace was determined to do exactly the opposite. He had been raised to keep his composure and not show any emotion, even in the most trying of situations. Straightening his rigid shoulders before stepping further into Marc's office, he moved calmly to the armchair seated before Marc's desk. "What did you need?"

        Jace had been forced to leave the luscious body, which had been sprawled over his own the entirety of last night to come meet this man; to say he was discontented with that fact would have been an understatement. Detaching Savannah's comfortable body from his was something that he did not take pleasure in. He nearly groaned at the tightening of pants at such a thought and quickly forced himself to cool it. He couldn't explain what the girl was doing to his head and his body and he surely didn't want to focus on it either.

        "I want to talk about that girl." Marc clicked his pen a few times, his eyes glued to the reports spread across the majority of his desk. His tone was distant, though Jace knew he was anything but. Having been raised by the man, Jace knew all his secrets. He looked composed, but he was most-definitely not.

        Jace forced his posture to relax, not wanting to elude his father into believing that he was protective of Savannah. Weakness was something his father always picked out on and his attention would immediately be drawn to anything he considered it. The thought of what his father wanted to do to Savannah, had a feeling curling through Jace's stomach that he wasn't ready to admit to yet.

        "I'm not fucking surprised." Jace finally ground out, his words saturated with sarcasm. Jace splayed his hands out across the top of his thighs, arching an eyebrow at the man in front of him. "What about her?" His words were kept short, clipped, though he could feel his defenses kick up. A flood of protectiveness soured through Jace and he suddenly wished he had her right by his side.

        Marc dropped his pen, his interest transferring away from the paperwork spread out in front of him. He leaned back in his armchair, his leather-clad feet making an appearance as he dropped them onto the surface of his desk. He crossed his arms, placing his hands behind his head as he made himself comfortable. "I suppose I don't understand your reasons for keeping her." He chuckled, tilting his head as a cruel smile spread across his lips.

        Resisting the urge to reach for the gun tucked into his waistband, Jace stretched my legs out, acting relaxed when in reality he was anything but. His face remained stoic, not giving away anything. Drumming his fingers against his thigh, Jace let out a patient sigh. "What can't you understand about it?."

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