18. Death By Heels

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18. Death By Heels

        The silence that had consumed the space around us was unnerving. I shifted in my seat, clasping my sweaty palms to the tops of my jean-clad thighs. The look on Jace's face had me wanting to shrink back in anxiousness, though I forced my posture to remain straight, refusing to lower my eyes from his.

        "What?" Duke finally choked out, the shock in his voice causing my gaze to shift to his. I pressed my lips into a thin line, keeping my expression emotionless as my eyes flickered back to Jace's stony expression.

        "Now's not the time for games." Jace spoke carefully, his calm voice only alerting me to the rising agitation in him. "That's a hefty statement you just made there." His eyes had narrowed sharply as they remained trained on mine.

        I skimmed a glance at the people around me, who all seemed unsure of the words I had carelessly spewed out. Feeling my hands begin to shake, I knotted them into my shirt, twisting the fabric in hopes that it would calm the nerves growing in my gut. "It's true." I forced out, bobbing my head as I turned to Cameron, silently hoping that he would at least see I was honest. "Jace, Noah mentioned that he had feelings for a Stella. It has to be Jared's sister. It has to be."

        "It could be a coincidence." Linc set down his burger, his dark gaze staring into mine. I couldn't fathom why he disliked my presence so much. I shifted, uncomfortable under his gaze and my eyes flickered pleadingly to Jace's. "If Jared heard you say that, can you imagine the way he would've acted?"

        "It can't be a coincidence." I denied, shaking my head slowly. "That's too much of one." I pushed, placing my hands flat on the table.

        "This could be what they want." Layton spoke up, tossing a quick glance to Max, who nodded. "They could want us to think we have her. There's a good chance they have killed her already, Savannah."

        "I agree," Max leaned back in his chair. "Noah could have been told to say such things and pass them on to you. Think about it, Savannah. Ricardo could've told him to say that in order for him to inspire hope that she is definitely alive. Then, we would invade their territory and they would ambush us."

        "She's alive. Noah was honest." I gritted out, feeling my teeth grind together as the tension continued to steadily rise at the table. Noah's soft demeanor and blushing face couldn't hold the evil that they were speaking of, I refused to believe it. "Jace?"

        Jace watched me carefully for a few moments, leaning back in his chair before his eyes skimmed those around the table. "Max is right." He began carefully, his gaze returning to mine. His eyes were hard and unyielding. I felt a string of betrayal snake up my spine and I was careful to keep my expression blank.  "I'm sure that they just wanted to convince us that Stella is alive in hopes that we would attack them. We can't be sure she is."

        "Are you serious?" I questioned, feeling my anger begin to rise. "Jared's sister is out there and you're going to just ignore that fact because you're scared they might ambush you?"

        "Savannah," Jace growled out, his black gaze making the hairs on the tops of my arms rise. His hands made an appearance as he laid is two fists carefully out onto the surface of the table. "I would be careful how you speak to me. This isn't about fear; it's about not getting any of us killed. We can't be sure whether your claims are true or false, you should understand that."

        "But, I don't," I bit out, my eyes flickering to a nervous looking Ashley. "She would have to be at a place where Noah has regular access to her: his dad's house, his mom's, or a school." I thought aloud, not paying attention to those around me.

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