9. Scarves Are Not Kidnapping Material

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9. Scarves Are Not Kidnapping Material

        "What do we do?" Brooke cried frantically, her hands clasping to her mouth in horror as the banging on my bedroom door increased. "We're going to die!"

        "No, we aren't." I gritted out, shooting her an agitated look. "We just have to stay strong." I straightened my spine, my chin tilting up slightly. I wasn't going to allow Jace to continue to push me around. No, I was determined to stand my ground this time.

        "I don't think that's going to cut it." Brooke hissed back, sarcasm tinging her tone. "We have a bunch of crazies on our asses for reasons I don't even know about!"

        "Savannah," Jace's delicious voice commanded from the other side of my door. I could imagine his strict expression, the harsh look enough to scare just about anyone. "Open the damn door."

        "Who is that?" Brooke whispered, latching her claws onto my arm. "Who is that?"

        "You really don't want to know." I hissed back, wincing as images of fake cops entered my mind.

        Brooke shook her head, her hands gripping my arm more tightly. "I deserve to know!"

        "Savannah!" The domineering voice caused me to jump and I shot the door an anxious look, before glancing back at my best friend who was staring at me with wide eyes.

        "He sounds terrifying!" She exclaimed, before turning towards the door. "Go away! Asshole!"

        The rattling coming from my door ceased for a moment and Brooke shot me a satisfied look. Though, that look left her eyes when Jace's voice spoke deadly calm. "Is there someone else with you, Savannah?"

        I bit my lip, feeling suspicion fill my belly. He was definitely mad, so angry that I could feel the heat of it from where I was standing "Uh, no?" I squeaked, my frantic look causing Brooke's panic to rise. "That was me. It's just me in here - no one else." I lied, immediately shoving her towards my closest when I heard him tinkering with the door-handle again. I had no doubt that he could get in.

        "What are you doing?" She whispered, panicked, protesting against my pushes. "I'm not going in there! If they get in..."

        "Just hide!" I commanded, glaring at her. "If they get in, I don't want them taking you too."

        "I'm not just going to abandon you!" She frenzied and I shook my head.

        "You aren't. Just get in the closest and be as quiet as possible."

       Softly shutting the closet door once she had buried herself behind the rack of clothing, I turned to my bedroom door. I could hear the guy's voices murmuring to each other from the other side. Straightening my spine, I made my way to the center of the room, feeling my temper pick up. "Just go away!" I shouted angrily, stomping my foot.

        "Not going to happen." Jace's husky murmur had chills running through my body. I rubbed at my arms angrily, not liking my reaction to such a thing. "You're just wasting our time now. You knew you weren't suppose to leave. So, you have a few options."

        I held my breath, nervously wrapping my arms around myself.

        "One; you don't come out, I break down the door and easily push away whatever you have stacked behind it. Then I tie you up, toss you over my shoulder, and take you back to the house, where I'll lock you into a room, where I only have the key." Jace seemed to ponder that and I heard the handle to my door jingle.

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