14. Sacrifices Are Not-To-Be Decided By Revenge-Filled Men

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14. Sacrifices Are Not-To-Be Decided By Revenge-Filled Men

        "Oh my God," I breathed out, placing the picture back onto the bookshelf so I could press my shaking hands flat against the tops of my thighs; knowing that I had been so close into the hands of Ricardo had me unable to shake the terrifying knowledge that I was danger.

        "What?" Jace urged, his fingers wrapping around the tops of my arms before he shook my body lightly, demanding my attention. The icy look on his face narrowed into mine and he stepped closer, repeating what he had spoken. "What?"

        "I-" My eyes flickered down to the picture. The image of Noah I had in my mind didn't reflect the image Jace had painted of the Nixon family. Noah was sweet, kind, and unselfish - not cruel and heartless.

        Cameron and Jared stared back at me expectantly, their gazes slightly confused yet curious as they tried to piece together what I had seen. It was clear that they had studied the image thousands of times, yet had never picked up on something that would elicit the reaction I had. Jace gently squeezed my arms once more, drawing me back to reality once more.

        "Tell me," He demanded and I could see the suspicion in his eyes, the mistrust as he gazed at me. My heart throbbed when I realized that the look of hesitancy was aimed towards me. 

        "That - who is this?" I cleared my throat, pointing to Noah's somber face printed onto the sheet. My finger shook and I quickly formed my hand into a fist, not wanting to show Jace how terrified I was for his answer.

        Jace regarded the face printed onto the paper. His lips pressed into a hard line, his expression cool before turning to meet my gaze. "That's Ricardo's son, Noah."

        I choked on my spit, Jace confirming what I had already known. Ignoring the knot beginning to grow largely in my throat, I forced out "No - are you serious?"

        "Do you know him?" At Jace's words, a strange emotion that I couldn't read crossed over his face. His form was instantly more tense, the look in his eyes more aware. I forced myself not to shrink back at the intimidating look on his face.

        "Yes - sort of." I shook my head, feeling like I couldn't catch my breath. Noah was so young to be involved in something like this. He had seemed too sweet, too earnest.

        "What do you mean?" Jared boomed, a viscous look taking over his face. "How?"

         I shrunk back, not liking how I suddenly felt like the enemy. I pulled my arms from Jace's, taking a step away as I watched the three of them cautiously. The slightly crazed look in Jared's eyes had me realizing that he wasn't exactly sane in that moment.

        "Sit down, Jared." Jace replied in a hard tone, his tone filled with strength and anger. "Cameron - make him sit down."

        Jared didn't resist, stumbling as he was forced into the chair.

        "I know him from that night I escaped." Jace's expression remained slightly puzzled though still hazy with the ferocity I had put there, as I spoke. "He picked me up and he drove me to the gas station. He offered to help me." I felt the need to defend Noah, not liking the dangerous looks that had appeared on their faces.

        "I told you." Jace growled out. "You were right in their hands that night! He was that close to the house?" Jace swore loudly, moving to pace furiously across the room.

        "He isn't a bad guy." I hesitated, not comfortable with the tension that was beginning to increase rapidly in the room. "He's not."

        "You don't know that. After all you've learned these past few days you say that?" Jace retorted, crossing his thick arms into an intimidating stance. "It's an act." His vicious glare twisted his attractive face into an ugly sneer. He had stomped over to me, leaning over me as if he meant to intimidate. "I'm not allowing you to risk my people with stupid decisions such as the one you're making right now. He's not a good guy, Savannah, open your eyes and see that."

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