6. Earthquake In My Head

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6. Earthquake In My Head

        "He called a meeting."

        My eyebrows cocked, as I moved my head to look at Cameron leaning against my door. I bit back a sigh of relief, as I folded the newspaper that I had found on my nightstand this morning, next to my breakfast that had been laid out for me.

        "He did?" My head tilted, the interest at his words growing within me. As much as it disgusted me, I was curious about everything that happened here – not that I would ever admit it.

        Cameron's eyes zeroed on to the paper in my lap, an agitating smirk growing on his face. "Oh no, you've resorted to reading the paper." He cried dramatically, his eyes twinkling as he tossed his hands into the air. "Whatever is this world coming to?"

        His words reminded me of what I had been doing and I rolled my eyes. "I'm trying to find a missing person report, with my name on it." I spat, crossing my arms.

        I jumped when Cameron roared with laughter. "Oh my goodness, little Savannah. You made my day; missing person report." He let out another laugh.

        I shot him a glare, straightening up and leveling my gaze on him. "I'm almost positive there will be a report in here soon. Then, I'll escape and go straight to the cops!"

        "Hopefully, you don't go to the crooked ones then." He snickered, his words choked as he forced to get them out.

        I kept quiet, as he voiced my fears. Clearing my throat, I shook my head "What are you doing here now?"

        It had been surprisingly quiet for the past two days. I had been left alone for the most part, only gaining (sometimes) unwanted company whenever one of them grew bored and decided to come and agitate me, which they found amusing. Ash was the most frequent, checking my body for infections and delivering my meals to me on a regular basis.

        "Jace has commanded me to get you down there for the meeting." He brightened. "Congrats! That means you must be a member now."

        My eyes widened, "Oh, no, no, no, no..." I shook my head, my tangled locks slapping my face. "Haha Cameron. That's a good one."

        Cameron only shrugged though, "It wasn't a joke, now c'mon."

        I froze, "Does going down there really mean that I am an unofficial member?" I regarded hesitantly.

        Cameron smirked, his arms crossing. "Yes, yes it does."

        "Then nope I am not! I am perfectly fine right here." I declined, snuggling deeper into the duvet.

        "I have orders - I have to follow through with them." He shrugged, stepping closer.

        With every step he took I leaned farther away, suspiciously. "What-"

        I didn't have time to question his actions because before I knew it, I was being swiped into his arms.

        I gave Ash a mental high-five for giving me such numbing pain medication.

        I let out a shriek. "Cameron! Put me down, this instant!"

        He had already started for the door and I squirmed, frantically. "Nope."

        I let out an angry war-cry, latching onto the door-frame. There was no way in hell I was going down there. I knew what this meeting was to be about - all the stuff that I had been specifically avoiding and I would be damned if Jace decided he wanted to force me down there.

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