7. A Stripper Named Candy

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7. A Stripper Named Candy

            “Do you have any questions?"

            Not casting a glance in Xavier’s direction and taking no account of his words, I numbly stepped towards the stairs. The curious looks of those still frozen behind me, did not go unnoticed. Cameron was practically twitching with the need to know what I thought of the story they had just fed me. Not willing to give them what they wanted, I turned my face away from the guys.

        In reality, I didn't really want to acknowledge the information that Jace had just enlightened me upon. The knowledge that not only now my life was at risk, but everyone's in this room's was, was enough to have my stomach heaving in a not so great way. More than anything, I wanted to run away and hide - preferably in a bed full of fuzzy blankets and chocolate.

            “Savannah,” Chace finally complained, the agitation in his voice was clear to me. I didn't pay notice to it, only pausing once I had reached the stairs. My hand rested on the banister, as I turned my head to glance back. Chace was shooting annoyed glances at the guys who inhabited the seats nearest to him. I resisted the urge to childishly stick my tongue out at him.

            “Savannah.” This time my name was spoken dangerously low from an even huskier voice. As Jace growled out my name, I resisted the urge to shiver. I could feel the strange things his voice was doing to my stomach. strange things that I strongly refused to acknowledge. Though his voice only made me focus on how attractive his face was and those arms-

        “You insisted that you know. You should act a little more pleased now that you do." At his yummily-spoken words, my gaze snapped back to meet his narrowed one. I instantly retaliated with my own, my hands balling into two tight little fists.  

            Crossing my arms tightly against my chest, I gritted out "You are forcing me to stay here. And after what you just told me, I don't see how I can." I spat out.         

        From the corner of my eye, I could make out Riley rolling his eyes. He stood up, raising his muscled arms to stretch them above his head. Lazily running a hand through his hair, he let out a bored chuckle. "She'll never be satisfied. Once we accept that fact, we can find a better way to please the nuisance."

        "Shut up." I replied lamely, my glare only half-hearted and aimed toward his retreating figure moving towards the kitchen. His loud snort in response only made my nose crinkle.

          Jace calmly regarded me, before turning to Cameron. “Take her to her room. She needs to cool off.” He stood up; stretching slightly and I resisted the urge to drool, before what he had commanded hit me.

        Cash smirked, looking way too amused at the tension that was steadily rising in the room. Ash sighed, once again pinching the bridge of his nose, a thing I was starting to realize he did often. "Here we go" He whispered.

        Jace shook his head, standing up as well. "Savannah, just go to your room. Cameron - take her there." He turned on his heel, following in the direction Riley had left. I would be lying if I said my eyes didn't drift to his shapely butt. "I think you need to cool off." He finished, his glance moving to stare back at me.

            “I was going there already. I’m not a child!” I crossed my arms. No one paid any attention to my words, all standing up and moving to leave the room. Only Cameron was left, lazily making his way towards me, a wary look registering in his eyes. “You can’t just command me now that I know everything!” I shouted at their backs.

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