11. Blankets Make Perfectly Good Hideaways

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11. Blankets Make Perfectly Good Hideaways

        I was tied to a wooden chair; the straps digging too tightly into my ankles and wrists had tears springing to my eyes though I refused to let them drop. I shook my head, not understanding the haziness that lingered in my mind and made it hard to think. I shifted in the chair, feeling the bruises that would already be appearing on my skin from where the straps laid. I could feel blood wind gently down my cheek, dropping into my lap and staining the demin shorts I was wearing. Fear tinged my chest and I resisted the urge to scream out for help.

        "Hello?" I croaked, my voice cracked and weak. I cleared my dry throat, wishing for even the tiniest sip of water. I squinted out into the shadows that lingered around my chair beyond the circle of light I sat in, attemping to see if anyone was lingering where I couldn't see them "Is anywhere there? Please, help me," I whispered.

        A ghostly chuckle echoed throughout the room, making me freeze with terror. The sound was eerie, cold, and promised pain.

        My head turned to the right frantically, hoping to spot anything that would give me a warning of what was to come.


        Turning my head, I froze when I spot the table. It was wooden, various stains marring the beautiful top, with a single knife stained with crimson lying upon it. Widening my eyes, my lips pressed together, wishing I could hide but knowing there was no way I could. Studying the straps expertly locked around my wrists, I knew the best I could do was hope that I would somehow get out of here.

        Glancing up, I let out a shocked whimper at the sight of a sadistic-looking Cash standing in front of me, holding a knife similar to the one still of the table. Riley appeared next to him, a weapon in his hands and a sadistic grin on his face, as Xavier appeared with a shiny gun locked between his fingers. My mouth popped open at the three who were beginning to move closer and I squirmed frantically. "Help!" I screamed, not liking the way Cash raised his knife expertly. "Someone, please help!"

        "Stop." A voice boomed and I let out a cry of relief as the three men immediately froze under the command.

        "Is someone there? Please help." I whispered, my eyes searching the shadows.

        Jace appeared, moving forward quickly. His eyes locked with mine.

        "Oh, Jace." I sighed, choking on a sob. "Please! They're-"

        "Shut the fuck up." He snarled harshly, that malicious glare aimed towards me. He walked over to the table, picking up the bloodied knife that sat there. "Did I say you can speak?"

        I let out a choked whimper as he stepped closer, tracing the knife across my neck and up to my temple.

        "What are you-" I cried frantically, tears openly falling from my eyes.

        Though, I didn't have time to finish because he had carved a clean cut into my thigh. I screamed as the pain burned into my leg. "Stop! Please!" My blood spilled onto the concrete.

        "Xavier," Jace directed, turning to the sadistic looking man. "Now!"

         His finger pressed the trigger.

        "Wake up." A deep voice growled loudly into my ear, fingers wrapping around my arms and frantically shaking me as gently as possible. "Savannah - wake the fuck up. It's just a nightmare!"

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