10. A Slap-In-the-Face Reality

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10. A Slap-In-the-Face Reality

        All thoughts flew from my mind as Jace's lips pressed tightly to mine. I froze, my lips numb against his. Suddenly, the only thing I could think about were the tingles in my fingertips and the butterflies growing quickly in my gut. Jace's lips had the ability to make one stop thinking, which is what I found happening to me as his lips roughly massaged into mine. 

        "Open," He commanded, his hand sliding up to grip the back of my neck as he trapped me against his muscled body. "Open, or else your punishment will be something more." With his lips still moving hungrily against my mouth, I had no choice but to obey.

        I melted at his command, my lips instantly responding to the kiss that was creating havoc in my body. I couldn't remember the last time I had been kissed in such a way. His soft, warm lips working against mine in a sensual way were enough to spoil any kiss that had ever happened, or would ever happen. I let out a breathy sigh and I felt his slight smile.

        The lips active against my own were making my knees weak, though the arms still wrapped tightly around my body supported my weight. My hands ran up his back over his cotton t-shirt, tangling into his dark hair. Another sigh left my mouth as his hand pressed against my upper-back, his other moving down to grip my hip.

        Obviously I wasn't thinking straight. Why would I let this dominant, protective, caveman kiss me in such a way? But, as his tongue worked its way into my mouth I knew exactly why I was letting him keep doing what he was doing. Every girl wanted a kiss as sensational as this one.

        All I could smell was his musky scent, which seemed to swallow me with how close I was to this man. His masculine hands were lightly squeezing my waist and my eyes nearly rolled back into my head at the feelings he was putting in me. He played with the hem of my t-shirt, one hand brushing against my stomach. His palm pressed against the skin on my back, the heat from his warm grasp causing me to shiver in pleasure.

        Was it even legal for a man to make one feel this way?

        Running my hands down the back of his neck and over his chest, gleeful at the muscles that contracted under my fingers, I let out a quiet moan. The smirk I felt Jace's mouth twist into and the quick chuckle that left his lips, still pressed tightly against mine, had my world crashing down.

        I threw myself away from him, one hand gripping onto the bed-cover and another pressing against my mouth. "W-what were you doing?" I stuttered, shaking my head frantically in hopes that it would clear my foggy brain. "That was - don't do that again!" I commanded, the blush that spread through my cheeks instantaneous.

        Jace's eyebrow arched, the corners of his lips lifting in an aggravating way. "Kitten, with the way you responding to my kiss, it was obvious you were enjoying yourself." He smirked, running a hand through his now-tousled hair. I flushed, my eyes moving away from the evidence of our kiss.

        My fingers brushed against my swollen lips and I had no-doubt that he was had succeeded in making it obvious what exactly had occurred up here.

        "I was just doing that to get you off me." I lied, dropping my hand to press it behind me. "Anyways, I've had plenty of much-greater kisses."

        His eyes darkened, instantly narrowing into a glare as he stalked towards me. "Is that right?" His voice was low, husky, and had a tinge of anger in it. He stalked towards me and I pressed myself further against the bed, wishing there was an escape route that was accessible.

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