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I just found out that Shudu, that beautiful black model, is actually just CGI. That is terrible. She (or technically the guy that made her) is taking away opportunities for others. It's a white man profiting from a black creation. I do not agree with this logic. Why can you just use a black model? Ya know, one that actually exists!

Also, with so much technology taking over, and CGI people being created to look perfect, what will the future look like? The beauty standards would increase dramatically,  and no one would be seen as good enough. And it wouldn't be because they really aren't good enough, cuz everyone IS good enough, but it would be because they don't look like the models that were created.

Technology is a wonderful thing, but it should be used to benefit us, not destroy us.

That wasn't very long, but that was my rant. Goodnight.

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