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So last jight, Max Mills literally sang me to sleep......How?

I took the audio from all the TikTok/Instagram posts that had Max singing and playing piano and recorded onto my laptop, one at a time. Then played them back on repeat. And that's how I fell asleep. So technically, Max sang me to sleep!

Also, I woke up at 7:30 this morning and realized thet the first episode of "School Dazes" was out, so I hooked up my headphones to my phone and listened to it. I was still half asleep, laying in my bed, and my eyes were closed. But I couldn't keep from laughing! It was the greatest thing ever! My two favorite idiots on earth have a podcast, and they don't even know what they're doing on it! But I still thoroughly enjoyed every bit of it.

This week is packed full for the Millsies. It's a perfect week to be a fangirl! Today was the first episode of "School Dazes", tomorrow is a new YouTube video, Friday is the second episode of "School Dazes", and on Saturday, Series 3 Part 2 of "FOMO" is out! Being in America, we don't get the CBBC channel, so I watch "FOMO" on YouTube after someone screen-records it and posts it. I can't wait for everything! This is gonna be an AMAZING week!!!

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