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Yesterday's entry was a lot, so tonight I thought I'd just talk for a bit about random things. Soo...I missed church tonight because none of my friends were gonna be there. I usually hate when I miss a night, but I don't like being alone. Which is weird because I spend all day, almost everyday in my room, ALONE! I can spend my whole day by myself on my phone or laptop making edits, doing school, or coming up with ideas for fanfiction. But when I'm in a group and I don't know anyone else, it just gets weird. Thats the only time I actually feel alone. And I know that I'm not alone, and God is always with me, but like, I don't know, I can't really explain it. Speaking of fanfiction though, I'm thinking of starting a new one about Nen, or Jenna Raine, for anyone who doesn't know who that is. I don't know when I'll start it, but hopefully soon! Also, I still haven't even started editing the music video I talked about last week. To be honest, I'm kind of dreading it. It's sooo hard to edit music videos and I'd rather just make edits. But I need to edit the video, so maybe tomorrow. I will probably have to convince myself that its nessecary.  Maybe I'll just eat candy while I edit. Anyway, goodnight ;-) Love ya'll!!!

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