Chapter Eight

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I am actually taking Stacey's advice and going out with Liv.

Delta Upsilon was throwing a party tonight. They are know for their great parties.

And being a sorority house.

I apply some lipstick and then grab my handbag, walking out of my room.

Bear wasn't home thankfully, so I didn't have anybody to ruin my mood.

Liv texts me, saying she has a taxi down stairs, so I walk out the door, making sure I have my keys this time then lock it and go down to Liv.

"I'm ready to party," she screams, as we climb into the back of the taxi.

"Me too," I giggle.

"Are we getting our mind off a certain someone?" Liv questions.

"Maybe," I mumble.

"Just talk to him," Liv says. "I don't care if he doesn't say anything back, but at least you know you put your feelings out there."

"He scares me," I say. "I tell him I'm not, but he does. He's been to jail, Liv."

"And?" She questions. "He obviously has changed, since they let him out."

"I guess," I murmur. 

"I bet he's into choking," Liv giggles.

"Wouldn't surprise me," I laugh.

We finally get to Delta Upsilon and get out of the taxi. As Liv pays, I feel my ass sweat as I see my ex boyfriend out the front of the house.

"Shit," I hiss.

"Crap," Liv says. "Do you wanna go?"

"No," I answer. "We can stay."

Liv and I walk up the pathway and I ignore him.

Liv and I grab some drinks and we start having a good time. Liv ends up finding a guy, while I found some new friends who were actually from out of town.


I huff and turn around glaring at Jason. "I don't want to talk to you."

"Yeah piss off, asshole," my new friend Bella says.

I told them about what he did to me.

"I just want to talk," he says softly.

"She said she didn't want to talk to you, Mate," The guy that Liv was making out with says.

He was Australian.

"It's not your business," Jason snaps.

"I know it's not," he says. "But she obviously doesn't want to talk to you."

"Stop ruining our night, Jason," Liv growls.

"I just want to talk," he snaps.

"Fine," I say. "You have ten minutes."

"Alone?" He questions, as he stares at all the people glaring at him.

"Whatever," I mutter. I follow him outside to the back where no one was and cross my arms. "Talk."

"I'm so sorry baby, if I could go back and unfuck your mum I would," he says. "Please just take me back."

"I can't," I say. "You hurt me, Jason. Of all things you could do, you did the worst," I growl.

"She blackmailed me," Jason says. "Said she'd tell you I was selling if I didn't do whatever she wanted."

"And she wanted sex?" I question.

"Well no, she wanted me to do her garden," Jason answers. "She then seduced me and then we had sex."

I cringe. "I can't believe I dated you."

"Just give me another chance," he whispers. "I'll be good."

"Alright," I say. "But only if you answer this question."

"Okay," he says, excitingly.

"When was the last time you slept with my mother?" I ask.

He stumbles on his words. "Um- well- I think- Uh-"

"Last night wasn't it?" I smirk.

"Yes," he mumbles.

"Go fuck yourself," I snap. I go to storm off, but he grabs my wrist and pulls me back.

"Goddamnit Danny, stop being a bitch," he snaps. I wince as I try to break free, but his grip tightens.

"Your hurting me," I whimper.

"You are mine," he snaps. "You can't be with anybody else."

I've never seen this side of Jason.

"Jason let go," I say softly.

"Not till you realise, I'm the one for you," he says.

"Jason please," I whisper, whimpering. My wrist stung, as his fingers dug in.

"Just take me back," he growls.

"I can't," I say. "You did something disgusting, and I can't ever forgive you for it." I was now crying.

He lets go of me and I run away. I get to the road and get my phone out. I hesitantly look at Bear's number.

He gave it to me, after the whole Adrian incident.

I call it and he picks up immediately. "Bear," I whisper, sobbing. "Can you please come pick me up?"

"Where are you?" He growls.

"Delta Upsilon House," I answer.

"Be there in ten." He hangs up and I sit down on the ledge of the gutter, crying.

I'm so sensitive lately.

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