Chapter Six

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After a long day at the cherry store, I could sense the bathtub waiting for me. On my way home, I bought some bath oils and salts, just to make it even more amazing.

As I walk the hallway to my apartment, I hear screaming coming from inside Bear and I's apartment. "Yes Bear!"

I couldn't help but feel a little jealous. I didn't realise Bear actually had a women.

I hesitantly open the door and sigh in relief when I see him and this blonde, pixie cut girl, playing video games.


When the hell did we get a PlayStation?

"Oh hey," the girls says. She pauses the game, which makes Bear grunt. "I didn't know Bear found a roommate."

"I'm Danny," I say.

"I didn't realise that Danny was a girls name too," She says.

"Short for Daniella," I murmur.

"You look very familiar," she says. "Do you go to Cornell?"

"I do," I say.

She snaps her fingers. "Your friends with Liv."

"I am."

"I'm good friends with Ying," She says. "Man sorry about your boyfriend, that was fucked."

"Thanks," I mutter.

"I didn't realise you wanted my old stuff for this girl, Bear," She says to Bear. "I would've given it to you instantly, if I knew."

"How do you two know each other?" I ask hesitantly.

"Oh, sorry I'm Mac," she introduce herself, standing up and dusting off the chip crumbs on her. "His sister in law."

It suddenly click in my brain. She's married to Bear's older brother. "Nice to meet you," I say.

"I know," Mac says. "Anyway Bear, I better go. Stay out of trouble and I'll see you for your next monthly visit."

"You only visit monthly?" I question.

"Yeah cause I'm his p-"

"Nothing," Bear growls.

I flinch at the tone. I even think the floor shook a little. Mac just glares at him. "You haven't told her yet?" Mac hisses.

"Told me what?" I question, confused.

"None of your business," Bear snaps and then gets up, storming to his room and slamming the down.

I'm surprised it didn't fly off its hinges.

"I'm sorry about him," she murmurs. "He doesn't trust easily."

"I thought we were getting somewhere," I mutter.

She stares me down for a minute. "You like him."


"It was a statement not a question," Mac states. Sudden to she's stroking my hair. "You need a hair cut."


"Jay, Bear's brother is a hair dresser," Mac states. "Down on fourth, stop by."

I nod quickly. "Okay."

"I'll give you my number," she says. "For emergencies with him."

"Emergencies?" I ask her, as I hand her my phone

"You'll know when it happens," she answers. She hands me back my phone. "Or if you just want to hang."

"Cool," I murmur.

"See you later Danny," she says.

"Bye Mac."

For hours I lounged in the bath.

But I wasn't relaxed.

What wasn't Bear telling me? Why does he not trust me? And is he interested in me?

I wrap my towel around me and walk out of the bathroom. Suddenly Bear's door opens and he walks out on nothing but sweatpants.




I am in heaven.

He's ripped. He has a eight pack.

And it looked like he didn't mind what he saw either.

His eyes were raking my body. I felt a shiver run through my body.

If he doesn't stop looking at me, I'm gonna melt.

"Sorry," he mumbles.

"Don't be," I say. "Your not in my way."

He rolls his eyes. "I meant for growling."

"Oh," I say surprised. "Um it's okay, I was being nosey, and you deserve personal space."

"I-I-" he huffs.

"I know," I murmur.

He has trouble telling people how he feels. I don't know why, but it's him.

Perfect Bear.

Hot body, Bear.

"Your tattoos," I say. "They mean anything?"

"No," he says.

"I like the dragon," I whisper, running my finger along it. It went from his collarbone down to his wrist on the right hand.

I hiss as he grabs my wrist. "No."


He lets go of my wrist and walks into the bathroom, shutting the door.

"He's like a walking mine," I mutter. I walk to my room and get into some comfortable clothes, before falling onto my bed and turning on my tv.

I went back to the apartment that Jason and I used to live in and stole one of the TVs while he wasn't there.

Perks of still having a key.

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