Chapter 1

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"Y/N!! We're starting in 1 minute. Come on!!" A voice called.

You quickly made your way towards the platform, sitting on the chair you got ready for your Saturday Night broadcast.

Yes, you were a reporter working in BBC NEWS!! Not a great reporter to be honest. Maybe that was the reason you only had one program that was broadcasted once a week. You talked about the lives of celebrities in this program. 1 hour of talking about their love life, net worth, daily works, new projects and shit with literally like 20 mins of ad breaks in between. Boring.

"Hello Everyone!! Once again your Y/N is back with her Saturday Night to talk about your favourite celebs!! You cheered but not really from the heart.

This might seem interesting to many people but that wasn't the case for you. It was your childhood dream to become a journalist but not of this kind. You wanted to research on some serious topics like politics, crimes, world affairs, current affairs and stuff.

You wanted to be a journalist who played a great role in making people aware of what's happening in the world that's important for them to know. NOT THIS!! Invading celeb's personal space and nosing in their private lives was never of your interest but unfortunately you ended like this after joining BBC News. You always tried to convince your Boss, the CEO, to let you research on the topics you wanted to but he always made you do what he wanted to.

Kim Namjoon !! The villain of your life honeslty. A very irritating but annoyingly smart, not to mention handsome boss of yours. He always knew how to find a way in the worst situation and how to convince people to move the way he wants.

"We'll be taking our leave now. That was all for tonight . See you next Saturday!!" Just like that you ended your program.

Everyone started to wrap up when you sighed and got up. Getting done with the remaining work for today you walked towards the elevator.

As soon as the doors opened, you were welcomed by a brightly smiling face of Jung Hoseok, Namjoon's assistant.

"Hey Y/N!!" he greeted.

"Hello, Hoseok!!" You greeted back entering the elevator. The elevator was already heading towards the ground floor.

"So how was your day?" Hoseok enquired

"Just like every Saturday." You gave an empty smile. "The program went well and now I'm super tired." You answered truthfully.

He just hummed at that making you turn your head to look at him. He was going through some files in his hands, probably having ignored what you said. You didn't mind it though. You could understand. He was a super busy person and so much hard working. After all he was NAMJOON's assistant. You smiled sympathetically at him.

The doors to the elevator opened. You both walked out and bid each other goodbyes.

Stepping out of the building you looked up at the night sky noticing how the stars weren't visible at all tonight, probably because of the clouds?

"The weather's quite chilly tonight. Want me to drop you at your home?" A voice asked. You didn't need to turn to know who it was; knew this voice very well by now.

"Park Jimin." you emphasized.

"What?" He asked slightly confused by your response

"NO. You are not gonna try hitting on me right now." You crossed your arms in front your chest.

"Huh??" He broke into a chuckle. "I WASN'T!! REALLY!! but oh? Do you want me to?" He asked wiggling his eyebrows.

Here we go again...

Park Jimin, your colleague, a VERY popular News Repoter of BBC News was also a big flirt. Said boy never missed a chance to flirt with a girl whenever he could. However, sometimes he did it just for fun like just now. You were sure he didn't have any feelings for you but flirted everytime to just annoy you. He seemed to have fun by doing that. Platonic flirting.

"Shut up idiot." You laughed, mentally thanking Jimin for making your mood a little better now.

"Sooooo??" He asked again

"Thank you but I think I'll be fine. I'll take the bus since it's too cold for me to walk." You smiled.

"Your loss." He shrugged, back to being the annoying Jimin.

"Goodbye, Jimin." You ignored his remark waving at him.

"Goodbye, dumbo!" He teased yet again. You just rolled your eyes at that.



"It's true that I m-murdered my own son. He found out about my secrets and was threatening to r-report it to the cops. S-So I killed him and threw his body in a river." The man tied to the chair said, facing the camera.

"I-I was s-scared." He tried to reason as if that would make it any better. Sweat was dripping from his forehead because in front of him stood The Black Knight with a camera in his one hand and a gun in the other, pointed straight at him.

Black Knight ended the recording, his eyes flashing anger which scared the shit out of the man.

"How more of a fucktard can you become, Lee?" Black Knight asked, his teeth clenched. His face hidden in the dark room.

"Please l-let me go now." Lee begged. "I did everything you told m-me too.

"Hm... you're right. I've got everything I wanted." Black Knight agreed, referring to the money in his bag. " I should let you go now." He said calmly. A bit too calmly to be exact.

He approached the man and untied the ropes, his face still hidden. Lee quickly stood up to escape.

"Eager, aren't we?" Black Knight's voice made Lee halt in his steps. Fear visible in his eyes.

Within a blink, a gun hit him at the back of his head making him fall unconcious on the floor.

"Oh how much I wish I could kill him." Black Knight said to no one in particular.

"You know you can't" a voice answered in the earpiece Black Knight was wearing.

"And that sucks." He remarked, removing his gloves by pulling them with his teeth.

"Just get out of there already. We are done" the voice of a man on the earpiece ordered.

"Ordering the Black Knight now, Yoongi ?" Black Knight chuckled.

"Fuck off." Yoongi replied, not to mention the little smile that broke on his face after hearing his partner chuckle.

Black Knight kicked the man lying on the floor in the stomach before grabbing his bag and leaving the room by simply jumping from the window.

Once he was out, he quickly put his mask back on, pulled his hood over his head to cover his face completely. There was no need to do this in the room as he made sure to turn the room dark by simply shooting the lights with the bullets, too lazy to switch them off. Also it helped him to intimidate Lee so... so that was a win-win.

Walking on the streets with his head hung low, he simply ignored your presence as you walked past him with your earphones plugged in.

Yes, you lied to Jimin about taking the bus because
1. You lived nearby
2. You were trying to save money
3. You didn't want to bother him

A breeze of air hit you as you walked past him, having no idea who he really was.

Author's note:

To everyone reading this, thanks for giving your time to my work. I'm trying to make it interesting. It might not be working at all but I'll make sure to give my best.

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Take care, stay safe 💕

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