Chapter 4

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"So you're gonna research on this case, huh?" You asked Jimin, who was sitting in front of you. After he returned, you both had decided to spend some time in a cafe as you both were done with the work quite early.

"Yeah. That's what Boss said so..." he trailed off. You hummed in agreement, taking a sip of your beverage.

"You asked Boss to hand over this task to you, didn't you?" Jimin asked with his eyebrows raised.

"How do you know?" You asked, a little surprised

"I'm your close friend Y/N. We both know you are really intrested in this Black Knight." Jimin simply answered.

"You talk like I have a crush on him or something." You snorted

"Well, that's not possible." He laughed

For some reason you wanted to know why so you asked him "And why is that?"

"Because you already have a crush on me, don't you?" Jimin laughed

"Hello?? Who the hell do you think you are??" You asked, acting like you were offended while you both knew it very well that this was just a joke

"A breathtakingly handsome man?" Jimin answered your question

"Well... can't deny that." You uttered, raising your hands in the air indicating you gave up on this childish argument.

"Ha! Knew it. You really like me, don't you?" Jimin teased yet again.

"You know that I still haven't done anything to you for what you did this morning, right? Wanna die so bad?" You threatened

Jimin gasped "Oh my god I'm scared!!" he exclaimed, no doubt teasing you.

"Park Jimin!!" You tried to threaten him yet again just to end up laughing at how childish you both were suddenly acting. Jimin smiled after hearing you laugh, glad that you weren't sad anymore. 

He wondered if he did this little play just to make you smile. Maybe he did?

You were really grateful to have a friend like him in your life. You truely were.

Once you both were done, you decided to head home. You both were walking out of the cafe when suddenly a woman entered, making you halt in your steps as she was blocking the way.

The lady lifted her head and made a surprised face.

"Jimin!!" She exclaimed, seeming happy at the sight of Jimin and completely ignoring your presence.

Jimin seemed a little confused. "Umm... do I know you?" He asked as he failed to recognize the woman.

"Maybe you don't, but we can change that if you want to." She said trying to sound... seductive? Jimin didn't seem like he was fond of this idea or maybe you were imagining things cause the lady standing infront of you was undoubtedly beautiful so there was no way THE PARK JIMIN won't like this, right?

"I work in BBC news too. You are quite famous and handsome of course, so I've heard about you many times." She smiled.

"I see what you're tryna say Ma'am but I'm really sorry I'm already taken." He smiled at the lady and wrapped his one arm around your shoulder. The woman turned around to finally acknowledge your presence... maybe not really cause she seemed mad?

Oh so he rejected her??



Did he just indirectly say that he was dating you or were you wrong this time too??

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