Chapter 26

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As soon as Jungkook entered the living room, he was greeted with a very tired Yoongi sitting on the couch, watching tv.

Jungkook laughed at how cute he looked when he tried to force open his eyes.

"I've told you to not wait for me. You never listen." Jungkook said, chuckling.

Yoongi noticed Jungkook's presence and sat up straighter. "I'm not used to sleeping before you." He answered truthfully.

Jungkook rolled his eyes and started walking towards his room.

"Have you ever had a girlfriend, Yoongi?" He suddenly asked

"What?" Yoongi was fully awake now, thanks to that unexpected question.

"Nevermind." Jungkook said, quickly entering his room to avoid looking at the older male's face.

"No no. Tell me, where did that come from?" Yoongi followed Jungkook to his room.

"Answer my question first." Jungkook demanded.

"I..." Yoongi scratched his head in an attempt to remember "... I rarely made friends. Girlfriend is too far of a question."

"I see" Jungkook said, removing his jacket and placing it on a chair. "You really are of no help."

Yoongi stood there with his mouth ajar."Excuse me? You ungrateful br-

"I like Y/N"

Silence. Complete silence.

Jungkook could practically hear the wind coming from the window in his room. That's how quiet it was.

"A-Are you sure?" Yoongi asked, hesitantly.


"I-I mean are you sure these feelings you have for her are romantic? Look, Jungkook, it's your first time interacting with the outside world as Jungkook after so many years. She is the first friend you made. Maybe that's why this feels special to you?" Yoongi expressed his thoughts.

"I understand your concern, Yoongi" Jungkook gave a gentle smile. "That's what I said to myself at first too but then... she... made me question myself again and again. If it's just some platonic affection I feel for her, I would've been satisfied with what we have right now, I would've been satisfied with just being friends. But... that's not the case. I keep... I keep wanting more. I want her to..." He exhaled. "I want her."

Yoongi was shocked to see that expression on the younger male's face. It was one of desperaation, need and something he could only define as love. Jungkook was far too gone.

Yoongi broke into a smile. "You want something? That's new."

Jungkook shook his head. "Not just something. Her. I only want her." He said with his head hanging low.

"Oh My God! Stop with your cheesy lines. You're making me nauseous." Yoongi joked. But, there were tears in his eyes.

Jungkook finally wanted something for him. Ever since he was younger, Jungkook was always satisfied with whatever Yoongi and his father had to offer him, he never asked for anything, anyone. But he had someone now. Someone he wanted, needed.

Yoongi couldn't help but see that little scared kid sitting on the park bench infront of him. But that kid wasn't crying cause this time he had something to look forward to in his life.

"When's the marriage?" Yoongi asked.

"I- What- No. I haven't even confessed yet."

Was those blushing cheeks Yoongi was seeing?

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