Chapter 29

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"I bet you have lots of questions in your mind." Leader said, walking towards your trembling figure. "Let's answer all of them." He bent down to grab the ankle of one of the two men he killed a while ago. "Since we've got a lot of time." He whispered that part in your ear making you shiver.

Kim Seokjin. You recognized his voice and gasped in both surprise and fear.

He smirked in satisfaction at your reaction. Dragging the dead body towards the Black Knight, he sat on it.

"The floor is a little dirty." He gave a cheeky smile to Jungkook who was standing infront of him. "You can take a seat on the other one." He offered, pointing towards  the other dead body in the room.

You heard footsteps approaching you making you move your head in the direction. You sensed a figure crouching down infront of you and then you felt it. Two hands grabbing your shoulders as if trying to reassure you. You didn't know how but you somehow relaxed. Your eyes still shut.

You remembered that touch, that feeling. The feeling of comfort in darkness. It was the same you had felt the day Jungkook had helped you in your apartment that night when you had a nightmare.


When you felt the hands holding you tense, you realized you've said those words out loud.

Could it be that it's hi-

"Must be nice to have someone care for you." Seokjin's bitter voice interrupted your thoughts. "I wasn't really expecting you to come here, Black Knight. You made quite a chaos though. Did you really think you'd be able to take her away unnoticed?" He laughed.

"He beat up 10 of my men, Y/N" He then addressed you. "Looks like he really cares for you huh? How does it feel? To be cared for?" He asked with bitterness in his tone.

"You see... care and love are something I never received. My father, mother,... my brother. They never once cared for me." He sounded mad and almost... sad. "It's all thanks to them that I became this." He pointed at himself and chuckled. "A kid yearning for attention thought underworld is the best place where he'd get appreciated. And guess what? He was right." He smirked.

"Everything was going pretty well. I was happy but then you came and started destroying my only world." He said, addressing Black Knight, sounding dangerously angry. "I wanted to get back on you, and I did when that man died. That actor's father." He said, talking about Taehyung's father. "His death was a mere accident. Some of my men were just drunk and beat him up. They didn't except him to die." He revealed. "Poor soul. It was his own fault though. He could've walked down that alley without giving my men a lecture on how drinking is injurious to health and shit." He laughed as if the story was really funny to him.

If it wasn't for you, Jungkook would've punched Seokjin then and there. It angered him to see how he can laugh at someone's death like it was nothing.

"I just happened to pass by. Before anyone could spot his dead body, I dragged him to a nearby river." Seokjin stood up and walked towards Black Knight. "Do you wanna know why I gave a false testimony and blamed you for his death?" He asked the other male. "Because there were no stars in the sky that night." He whispered.

Jungkook flinched at his maniac tone.

"I like it when the night sky is dark, devoid of any light and beauty. Just like my life." He grinned. "And that is why I wasn't in a mood of taking on the blame of murder I didn't even plan in the first place that day. So I blamed it on you." He shrugged like it was nothing.

A psychopath. That is the only way Jungkook could describe the man standing infront of him. His reasons were beyond absurd but it looked like it made complete sense to him.

"As of why I helped you... it was because of this girl." Leader nodded his head in your direction making Jungkook stand up in a defensive manner. "Oh? Did I struck a nerve?" Seokjin asked, his eyes glinting in amusement.

When he saw Black Knight clenching his fists, he laughed. "Don't worry. I won't harm her." He raised his hands. "Yet" he added, halting his laugh. "I wasn't keen on helping you, really. But when she said by helping you I'd make Namjoon reveal our relationship, I couldn't help but agree. You see, I love it when Namjoon is miserable." His eyes sparked with delight. "This was the perfect chance to destroy him without making myself suspicious. How could I've said no?" He inquired. "He's always despised m- Oh wait. Maybe not. Did you know? My men didn't threaten him to take his company down. They actually threatened to kill me. I told them to say that to Namjoon. To test him. Turns out he doesn't hate me as much as I hate him. I didn't expect that. Well I never would've cared for his life." He laughed loudly and wiped a tear from his eyes.

Taking a look at you and Jungkook, he let a minute of silence pass by. "I finally have you standing in front of me. The two of you really gave me a tough time. Should've thought once before meddling in my business. I'm not really the type to forgive. You should know that by now. " He raised his brows, clearly talking about Namjoon.

It took all in you to stay put and not run away from him. After hearing his confessions, you were shook to the core. You felt nauseous. You just wanted this horrible day to come to an end but it seemed like Seokjin had other plans.

"Now that I've answered your questions..." Leader took a step back. "..shall we get to the action part?" He asked, taking out a gun from his back pocket and pointing it straight at Jungkook.

"Time to put an end to this, Jungkook" He spoke loud enough for you to hear.



There we go. What do you think about Seokjin now?

Another chapter will be updated very soon.

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