Chapter 10

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THANK YOU ALL FOR 3K+ READS!!!! This is absolutely unbelievable! I never imagined this would get over 20 read let alone 3,000! I'm so so grateful for you all! Anyways enough of me, I know you all came here for the Pomeranian. Enjoy!

Bakugou POV

Why does I feel this way? Why does she make me so fucking flustered? Does she have some kind of secret quirk? No matter why this is happening I need to make it stop, but, at the same time, I kinda don't want to make it stop.


I'm in trouble aren't I, why else would Bakugou be staring at me. I'm gonna die. I'm gonna die. I'm go-' "Uh ,Y/N?" Your thoughts were interrupted when Kendo tapped you on the shoulder. "Yes, Kendo? Did you need something?" You spoke, still a little nervous about Bakugou. "You looked pretty nervous about something..."

"I'm fine! Yep! Totally! IIIIIIIII... need to go to the bathroom, be right back!" I said quickly and ran to the bathroom. I get into the stall and close the door behind me and sit. Why was he starring at me out of all people? Maybe he's just a little thrown off by the whole soulmate thing. Orrrrr he hates me and doesn't want me to be his soulmate. Probably the second one, I'm gonna go with the second one. I need to talk to Ochako about this.

Y/N: Come to the girls bathroom

Suddenly the door to the girls bathroom flies open, "I'M HERE Y/N!" it was Ura-chan.

"Ura-chan, Bakugou kept staring at me all of lunch and I think he's mad at me, do you have any advice?" Ochako looked confused.

"Why would he be mad at you?" Uraraka tilted her head to the side in confusion.

"Oh! I guess I forgot to tell you... Bakugou is my soulmate..." Ochako gasped.

"Let's talk about this outside we don't want anyone eaves dropping," she began pulling me outside excitedly. Uraraka was acting a bit off but that could be for a ton of reasons so it's probably nothing. 

Once we got outside all I saw was Uraraka beginning to melt into a gray mush and a marble flying at my head.

367 words! Hey guys I'm back! Sorry my upload schedule is shit I'll work on it I promise 😅 anyways cliff hanger! If you couldn't tell this fic isn't going to be following the events of the show! Anyways I'm gonna work on the next part (it might not be uploaded today though) See you next chapter!!!

Uncomfortably Close (Soulmate AU Bakugou x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now