Chapter 5

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I opened the door of my house, normally my parents are working but I was surprised to see my Mom making pancakes. "Welcome home, Y/N!" she greeted me as I walked in.

"You're home early Mom," I say as I put my bag down and start taking off my shoes.

"Well it's Mom and I's anniversary today," my Momma says poking her head into the kitchen. How could I forget my parent's anniversary, I thought. (That's right Y/N's got two moms :D)

"Oh yeah, sorry Momma, I forgot," I said looking down at my feet.

"It's okay Y/N, you can hang out in you're room for a little if you want, we'll call you down for dinner," Momma said but as soon as I heard 'you can hang out in you're room' I bolted up the stairs and into my room.

"It's okay Y/N, you can hang out in you're room for a little if you want, we'll call you down for dinner," Momma said but as soon as I heard 'you can hang out in you're room' I bolted up the stairs and into my room

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(this is what your room looks like btw)

I jumped onto my bed and texted Ochako, she already knew the bandages on my wrist weren't the real spot my soulmate mark was but she wasn't going to bug me about where it really was.

Y/N: So something happened at school today when I went to change.....

Ura-Chan: Did someone hurt you!? I stg if someone dared hurt you I will make them feel the same amount of pain you felt!

Y/N: I wasn't exactly hurt but I thought I was going to be

Y/N: Basically during the fight I did a back bend and my real soulmate mark spot was revealed and Bakugou saw and as I was walking in the halls to change I wasn't paying attention and I was thinking about how the halls looked empty and suddenly I was pinned to the wall by Bakugou and he asked me to take off the bandages or the gauze and I wasn't moving and then he said please so I took of the bandages and then he started freaking out and then I ran and got changed and on the way back I bumped into this blonde guy with grayish-blue eyes and he asked if I was one of the 1-A 'freaks' and then I told him I was busy because I really needed to get back to class and I asked if we could talk tomorrow at lunch and he agreed and that's what happened.

Ura-Chan: Wait so I can't eat lunch with you tomorrow

Ura-Chan: Also I can fight Bakugou for making you do that 😤

I giggled slightly at her reply.

Y/N: I'd prefer if you didn't confront either of them about what they did because I don't want them to know I told anyone

Ura-Chan: What did Bakugou do when you took off the bandages

Y/N: Well he threw his arm off the wall and completely turned his back to me, and then he started yelling things like 'damn it' and 'bullshit'

"Y/N! Pancakes are ready!" my Mom called me.

Y/N: Sorry Ura-Chan I gotta go eat dinner, see you later

I threw myself off the bed and ran downstairs and ate my pancakes I was exhausted after everything that happened today so I brushed my hair, got changed, brushed my teeth, and went to bed.

556 words in this chapter sorry I'm tired but...

THANK YOU SO MUCH FOR 90 VIEWS!!!!🎉 I never thought this would get bigger than 10 views from my friends but I was wrong and I'm really happy that people are enjoying this story! I'll see you all in the next chapter! - Author-Chan

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