Chapter 17

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You sat up and rubbed your eyes before you began to stretch. You looked around confused for a second, before remembering you were at Katsuki's house. You felt began to get up before you felt yourself getting pulled back on to the bed. You could feel arms wrapped around your waist and Katsuki pressing himself against your back, assuming he was either half asleep of fully asleep.

Bakugou POV

He wrapped your arms around your waist, pulling you against him. He hoped you would assume he was asleep, he knew you had some kind of plans for the day, but he wanted to stay like this for a little, just the two of you. He was so used to having to act tough, but he didn't feel he needed to around you, he could just be himself, not the loud angry guy everyone knew him as.


You turned over to face him and saw him staring at you, you studied his features for a second, "Like what you see?" Katsuki was giving you a cocky smile and blush grazed you cheeks. "Monoma or whatever his name is called after you fell asleep, he said something about ' the plans were all set up for today,' or something like that," he seemed slightly annoyed but he didn't seem mad. You nodded you head and stood up, "I'm stealing your clothes before I go home though," you giggled a little before jumping off the bed and running over to his closet. You grabbed a comfy looking pear of sweat pants and another hoodie.

"Oi, one hoodie or the other," you frowned dramatically before you looked up at him and grinned mischievously, "Make me," you said before starting to run out of the room. Bakugou leaped off the bed chasing after you, you threw your shoes on before bolting at the door to your house, Katsuki following quickly behind you, ignoring his mothers yells.

You laughed, holding the sweats and hoodie tight as you ran towards your house. You slammed the door open, "Hi Mom, hi Momma," you said quickly before you ran upstairs not even bothering to take your shoes off. You heard Katsuki stomp in and march up stairs, you quickly hid in your closet and closed the doors. You heard him come into your room, holding your breath, trying to avoid getting found. "You really think you can hide," he said in a deep voice, making it clear you weren't getting out of this. He was checking under the bed when your phone beeped, SHIT you forgot to turn your ringer off. He stood up and roughly opened the closet door and picked you up, throwing you on the bed and pinning you down on the bed, a snarky grin plastered on his face. He leaned towards you, you closed your eyes, "I caught you, and now you're like putty in my hands, give me my clothes," he whispered in your  ear, his voice slightly raspy.

You opened your eyes, he looked you up and down before getting off you and allowing you to get up to give him one of the hoodies. You picked up the hoodie you grabbed and decided to change into the one you had grabbed. You went into your bathroom, hoodie and sweatpants in hand to change, leaving the door open a crack. You took off your skirt from your school uniform that you hadn't fully had the chance to change out of, taking off your hoodie and t-shirt, throwing them in the laundry hamper in your bedroom through the crack of the door. You put on the hoodie and sweats and came out of the bathroom. Grabbing your phone and seeing the message that ended up giving away your hiding spot.

Monoma: We're meeting up at 11 o'clock at the park

Y/N: Okay works for me :)

You glance over at the clock, 10:27. Katsuki sat on your bed next to you, "I'll have to leave at 11:50ish to meet up with some of my 1-b friends at the park," you looked over at him and he nodded, still seeming slightly annoyed but not mad. "Kay, but you're hanging out with me until then, and I'm walking you over there," you smiled at him, "that's okay with me," you said.

709 words! Sorry this chapter is late, I was out on Halloween and yesterday my ADHD said, "how about we FORGET" so yeah, see you guys in the next chapter :DD

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