Chapter 15

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You were leaving school, and began walking home with Bakugou. The walk was silken until you made it to a cross walk, as the two of you waited for the light to signal you to walk across Bakugou began speaking, "Want to come over to my house tonight? My mom isn't going to shut up until she meets you so you might as well, I'm sure your parents won't mind." You thought about it for a second, "Sure, let's at least walk to my house so I can let my moms know, okay?" He nods and the light turns green allowing you to cross.

As you stepped on to the road you felt a squeeze on your hand, blush danced across your cheeks when you found the source of the squeeze. You looked up a Katsuki, he was looking up at the road ahead. Even after the two of you got off the crosswalk and back onto the side walk, he kept holding your hand. The light pink dancing across your cheeks turned more red and you squeezed his hand back. It wasn't long after that the two of you made it to your house.

You cracked open the door and calls for you mothers, "Mom, Momma, I'm staying at Bakugou's house tonight, okay?" You heard your Momma call back, "Who's Bakugou? Is he that boy who stayed here yesterday?" Your Momma poked her heard around the door. "Uh, yeah. He's my soulmate," you told her. She got excited and called for your Mom.

"HONEY! HONEY! Y/N MET HER SOULMATE COME HERE!" your Momma called and your Mom came running over. Both of your mothers shook Bakugou's hand furiously and began making small talk with him. You giggled a little at the sight before you spoke up again, "Well we probably have to go know, it's getting cold and we don't want to make his mother nervous." Your Momma sighed as your Mom shook Bakugou's hand one last time before they waved goodbye to the both of you.

342 words. Look at me updating on time :33 (ignore the fact I'm posting this chapter at school we gotta keep that fanfic grind)

Uncomfortably Close (Soulmate AU Bakugou x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now