Chapter 12

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The door to the building was knocked down and All Might busted through followed by Eraser Head, Hound Dog, Mid Night, Mount Lady, Hawks, Endeavor, and him. He came, but why, wasn't he mad at me? That isn't important right now. What is important is getting the hell out of here.

As the villains and heroes threw hands Bakugou untied me. "Midnight, go!" Bakugou yelled as Midnight tore off her sleeve about to knock out all the villains before they escaped through a portal.

Midnight began asking me a series of questions like if I was injured or if I knew what they were trying to do with me. I gave all my answers and Bakugou, Eraser, Hound Dog, and Midnight walked me back to school, mainly because all our belongings were still there. As all the teachers went into the teachers lounge, Bakugou and I kept walking. We rounded a corner and as soon as we did a found myself in Bakugou's arms. Not knowing what to do or where all this was coming from, I hugged him back.

"Bakugou, why were you staring at me earlier, I thought you were mad at me but it doesn't really seem that way now," I said, not pulling away from his warm embrace.

"I don't know, I just couldn't keep my eyes off you," he muttered. I felt my face turn red as I held him tighter. "Let's go get our stuff," he let go and we go our things and exited the school.

"Do you want me to walk you home?"

"Only if you want to, you really don't have to if you don't want to so don't feel pressured to," I say rubbing the back of my neck.

"It's fine dumb ass," he said as he grabbed my hand, "lead the way." I blushed but started walking in the right direction. My house wasn't super far from the school but I was still a little nervous, after all my soulmate was holding my hand. I looked at him and his face was a little red so at least I knew he was nervous too. As nervous as I was, I felt comfortable, like I was home.

"We're here, if you want you can come in," I say with a smile.

"Not today, maybe tomorrow, bye Y/N," he started to walk off.

"WAIT!" My body said with out even thinking. I walked over to him, my face bright red. I give him a peck on the cheek. "Thanks for saving me," I say and walk inside and up to my room. My face even more red than before. Could I... I think I do...

I have a crush on him...

Bakugou POV

"Thanks for saving me," she said and walked into her house. I was frozen solid. She kissed me. The first kiss my soulmate ever gave me, and it was just a thank you kiss. Some soulmate I must be. I start walking back to my house, thankfully her house was only two blocks away from mine. The old hags gonna be mad because I'm home late.

I open the door to my house. "KATSUKI BAKUGOU WHERE THE HELL HAVE YOU BEEN!?!?" My mom screams at me and hits me on the back of the head as soon as I open the door.



"I DID FIND MY SOULMATE AND SHE WAS THE ONE I WAS WALKING HOME!!!" After I yelled that I froze. Shit. Now she's gonna have a whole freak out about it and get in my business and ask me everything about her when I don't even know that much about her yet. My mom let out a gasp and started dancing around the room. I took this time to run back to her house to get away from my mom.

As soon as I made it I knocked on the door. A women opened the door, I'm guessing Y/N's Mom. "Can I come in, I'm Y/N's friend," she smiled and opened the door.

"Honey, Y/N has a boy over!" I walked in and took my shoes off. Another women walked over. "I'm Y/N's Momma and that's Y/N's Mom, Y/N only ever has Uraraka over so having another person over, let alone a boy, is something. Anyways her room is upstairs, I'm sure she's waiting for you," Y/N's Momma said happily.

I made my way up the stairs to Y/N's room and knocked on the door, "Can I come in?" I heard some scrambling before the door opened to show Y/N. I walked in and she shut the door behind us.

"Do you need anything? You kinda showed up out of the blue," she said as she sat down on the floor next to me.

"No my mom got all pissy I got home late and then I told her I was walking my soulmate home and she lost her shit and got all exited, I didn't want to deal with that so I came here, sorry if it's inconvenient I can leave," I said, leaning my back against the bed.

"It's fine you can stay, you didn't interrupt anything," she said rubbing the back of her neck nervously. It's weird, when I said soulmate her cheeks got red.


"Y/N," Bakugou spoke softly, I turned my head to look at him. The distance between us closed, his lips intertwined with mine. He broke the kiss, my face bright red.

"So you do like me, huh," he said in soft voice, he looked over to me and I nodded, "I like you to."

984 words. Sorry for the late chapter again ;-; I started going to school in person and my mental health crashed, hopefully I'll be able to update more.

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