Chapter 7

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Monoma and I walked into school and parted ways, Uraraka was waving at me I start walking over to her, suddenly I'm pulled away by someone. I didn't get the chance to see their face, but I did see their hand before they covered my eyes. It's a familiar hand; large, muscular, sweaty, and smells like caramel- wait, I remember that caramel scent from yesterday when Bakugou hand pinned me against the wall, could it be him that was dragging me away. I heard Uraraka yelling at the person who was pulling me but then she suddenly stopped after a couple of seconds. After being pulled for about 4 minutes finally we stopped and the person who pulled me all this way finally let go of my wrist and took their hand off my eyes. I look up only to see those same crimson orbs that I had seen yesterday.


"Listen," he started to talk,"I need to talk to you in privet that's why I brought you here so you better not run away or else I'll kick your ass," he paused, "Yesterday you revealed that your real soulmate mark below your ribs," he sighs, "in the same place I have my soulmate mark." He lifted up his shirt showing me his soulmate mark, his soulmate mark that was identical to mine, in the exact same place as mine. I stand there in shock for a moment before I start to lift up my shirt to show him my mark, his face turned red, probably because I was lifting up my shirt slightly, I lifted up my shirt to reveal the gauze bandage I had taped on my soulmate mark, for the first time ever I was showing someone who wasn't in my family my soulmate mark. I hesitated for a moment, what if he faked it, what if he drew that mark or got a tatoo, but he wouldn't have been able to know what it looked like, right? I pealed the gauze off, there it was, my mark, the mark I had hidden all my life finally free from the gauze. Bakugou looked at the mark and looked back at me, our eyes meeting, I looked in his eyes for a moment, had they always been this..... beautiful? I turn away blushing realizing how long I must have been looking.

"S-so now what?" I ask, what would happen in our relationship, I mean we barely even talk let alone get along.

"I don't know," he said under his breath, the wind was blowing through his ashy blonde locks , the sun making his crimson eyes glisten like rubies.

"We should probably get to class," I spoke gently not wanting to interrupt his thoughts. He nodded and we walked to class together, no idea of what was going to happen next.

479 words!! Sorry this took so long I have a huge lack of motivation and I also have school. I've been getting some positive comments on my fic so I finally got motivated to write again! Thank you all so much for the love! See you in the next chapter! ~ Author-Chan

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