Chapter 2

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You weren't sure how official your teacher was or even how your teacher was allowed to be a teacher by the way he behaves, but it wasn't that important right now, what was important was eating lunch. You waiting in line holding your tray with Uraraka right behind you. You two finally made it to the front of the line you got your food , it was some mashed potatoes and fried chicken with a side of corn and some milk, and headed to the table Deku was sitting at. Suddenly you had food all over you after somebody bumped into you, it was Bakugou again.

"Didn't I tell you to watch where your fucking going," he said his crimson red orbs glaring at you.

"Sorry," you sigh trying to pick up your food that wasn't already attached to your shirt.

"You shouldn't be apologizing y/n if anyone should be apologizing it would be Bakugou," she said angrily and looked over a Bakugou, "go over there and help her," she demanded.

"Tch, and why should I listen to you?" he asked her.

"Listen here," she said, "If you don't get over there and help her I will make you regret not helping her and make you beg for her forgiveness."

You sat there shocked, you had known Uraraka for as long as you remembered but you never saw this side of her, probably cause you never got made fun of, and when you did it was her who got made fun of, for reasons varying from throwing up because of her quirk to her not having much money and being what most people call 'poor'.

"Tch, whatever," Bakugou said as he got down and helped you clean, you froze, you didn't think he would do it, "Just cause I'm helping doesn't mean I'm doing all the work so help me clean," he said still glaring at you with those crimson orbs he has. You snap out of your shock and continued cleaning.

"Let's go get you into a new uniform 'cause this ones clearly ruined," he said in his grumble voice he wasn't happy he was mad but was trying not to show it, Uraraka was sitting at the table with Deku, Uraraka was watching making sure nothing bad was happening. Bakugou looked over at Uraraka, "Hey pink cheeks I'm getting her a new uniform since this ones ruined, got it?" he asked even though it sounded more like a demand.

"Okay, but remember if anything happens to her-" she was cut off.

"Yeah yeah, I get it dumb ass, I'm not gonna fucking hurt her," Bakugou interrupted her and got off the ground and started walking, "Come on," he told you. You sigh and get up and follow him, you look at your hand and see the bandage on your wright wrist was messy too, you worried if he was going to take it off. You were half way down the hall when he spoke again.

"You should probably take the bandage off, it's all messy," he said looking over at you. You grabbed your wrist and held on to it.

"N-no I don't want anyone to see the mark until I meat the person," you said nervous he'd push.

"Tch, fine then," he scoffed and then went on until you finally made it to the nurse. "I'm going back to the cafeteria, got that," he asked he was clearly mad that you wasted his time, you nod and he walks off. You open the door she hands you a change of clothes and some bandages and you change in the bathroom, you come out of the bathroom thank her and hurry back to the cafeteria, you still hadn't eaten!

You rush back to the cafeteria and see an identical copy of your tray before on the table next to Uraraka she pats the bench signaling for you to sit down. You sit and eat your lunch wondering why Bakugou actually seemed to care about you...

668 words

Uncomfortably Close (Soulmate AU Bakugou x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now