Chapter 16

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You had finally made it to Bakugou's house, he went in front of you and opened the door. "Katsuki you better have a good reason you're home this late!" you could hear Bakugou's mom trying her best not to freak out on him. You poked your head in the door to look inside and see Bakugou's mother. His mom was pushing on her temples, she looked up at Bakugou again and saw you, her eyes widened and Bakugou grabbed you hand and pulled you up to his room.

He closed his bedroom door behind the both of you. You could hear Bakugou's mother yelling something that you couldn't quite make out. You stood up and started walking over to his closet. "What are you doing?" He looked up at you and raised an eyebrow. "I'm cold," you replied as you went into his closet and grabbed a hoodie. You threw the hoodie over your uniform and sat next to your boyfriend, leaning your head against his shoulder.

You started scrolling through social media, you began to get drowsy and put your phone down and started to doze off. You felt yourself being lifted off the ground and open your eyes. Katsuki placed you in his bed and tucked you in, "If you thought i would let you sleep on the floor again you thought wrong." He sat on the bed next to you and you fell asleep.

Bakugou POV

He looked over to you and saw you asleep in the bed. He gave a soft smile at you as he watched your chest move up and down with ever breath, the peace was ruined by your phone ringing. He picked you phone up off the floor and checked who was calling, Monoma.

He picked up the phone, "Hey, if you need Y/N she's sleeping," the loud blonde was staying calm, avoiding no  being loud as to not wake his soulmate. "Who is this? Why do you have Y/N's phone?" Monoma's concern and annoyance was heard clearly through the phone.

Bakugou sighs, "It's Bakugou, she's at my house and she fell asleep." There was a short silence, "When she wakes up tell her everything is set up for tomorrow," Monoma said then hung up the phone.

380 words. IM STAYING ON SCHEDULE 🥳🥳🥳🥳

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