Chapter 19

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"Hi Y/N, I need some help with something..." Kendo's voice faded. "What is it, I'll help with anything," you replied. Well..." she spoke quietly, "I'm pretty sure Monoma is my soulmate." You grinned widely, ready to help with anything, especially getting soulmates together. "Um," you looked around before noticing an empty play structure, "let's go on that play structure and you can show me your mark," you said kindly before running over to the structure, Kendo following shortly behind.

You made your way up the structure and sat on top with Kendo. She pull down the collar of her shirt, revealing the calico cat to the right of her left collar bone. "Do you think you could ask him about his mark, I'm a little nervous," Kendo rubbed the back of her head. You had never seen her like this, she was always brave and things rarely scared her, but even the bravest of people get scared sometimes. "Of course," you reply with a wide smile as you climb off the play structure, Kendo staying up there, playing with her hair anxiously.

"Hey! Monoma!" you yelled to him as you ran across the park towards him. "Yes?" he said with a confused tone. You were hunched over with your hands on your knees panting, "Could you show me you soulmate mark," you took a quick pause for breath, "no pressure of coarse." "Oh, um, sure," he pulled down his collar showing the calico mark, you grinned widely and ran off towards the structure, leaving the blonde confused.

"Kendo, good news, very good news," you said excitedly, practically jumping with joy and excitement. Kendo smiled and got down from the play structure, you grabbed her wrist gently and dragged her over to Monoma. Monoma looked at the two of you in confusion. You waited for one of them to say something, when neither of them said anything you nudged Kendo with your elbow, she glanced over at you and took a deep breath. She pulled down the collar of her shirt, her turned slightly to her right and her eyes looking down towards the ground. Monoma's widened and you saw a flurry of emotions flash through his eyes all at once.

"I'll leave you guys alone," you said before walking off, you noticed Komori and Kuroiro hanging out by themselves and decided not to disturb them and went back up the play structure, before you knew it the day was over and you knew all you friends would be happy, you were glad you had found your friend group. You had a great day and now you got to walk home with Katsuki Bakugou, your soulmate, your forever.

451 words ♾

Thank you for all the love on this fic <3 words can not describe how grateful I am for all of you and how grateful I am for you all being here on this adventure with me. This was my first fic so the amount of love and attention this got was overwhelming. I didn't have a plot planned out when I started, all I had was a scenario I made in the shower where Bakugou pinned you against the lockers and confronts you about your soulmate mark. This scenario has came to life with this fic as a whole story and of it wasn't for all the love and support I probably would have dropped the fic. I am so grateful for you all and I will see you again in my next fic, whenever that may be.

Uncomfortably Close (Soulmate AU Bakugou x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now