Chapter 13

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"So you like me, huh," he looked over to you and you nodded, "I like you too," he said warmly as he looked up at the ceiling. Your face turned red, you grinned at him before pulling him into a sideways hug. His face grew a light shade of pink. He looked down at you before hugging you back.

"So, what are we?" You asked, still clinging to him. He grinned as he looked down at you. "Soulmates," he spoke softly looking into your eyes while pulling you closer into his arms. You began to blush more and make yourself comfortable in his arms. He held you tighter as you closed your eyes and let yourself sink into him and feel his warmth.

Bakugou POV

He looked down at Y/N after while to find them asleep in his arms, he pulls them closer and put his chin on the top of their head, he could get used to this, that's one thing he knew for certain. He hears her phone go off and goes to turn the ringer off, as he grabbed her phone he couldn't help but see the text.

Monoma: Would you like to meet up?

Bakugou was annoyed, what was that narcissistic extra doing asking his soulmate to meet up, what was he hoping to get out of this, the prick hated class 1-A so why was he not being an asshole to Y/N. Bakugou turned the ringer off and put the phone back before eventually falling asleep.

Monoma POV

It had been an hour and a half since he sent the text, it was probably nothing right, she probably didn't see it. They had school tomorrow, so he'd just ask her then. Tomorrow was Friday so hopefully she'd be there, otherwise he'd have to wait until next week to ask her again. But what if she isn't there, what if she doesn't come back. He took a second to collect himself, realizing he was being a little over dramatic. He decided to text again.


Monoma: Would you like to meet up?


Monoma: Hey, you didn't reply, are you okay?

She still wasn't replying, he was nervous but when his phone went off he didn't think twice before opening up the message, it was a photo sent from Y/N, or so he thought. It was one of those 1-A freaks, the worst of all of them, he was loud with a huge ego and yet he was given access to Y/N's phone, just who does he think he is? The image sent from "Y/N" was Bakugou sitting with Y/N asleep in his lap with the message below saying "She's busy."

Monoma was fuming, this egotistic prick was not only given access to her phone, not only was trusted enough for her to fall asleep in his lap, but he was in her house. Why that bitch and not him. Monoma was friends with her longer from what he could tell, he was kinda rude to her, yes but he knew she could tell he didn't mean it, so why that bastard-

Monoma realized his thoughts. What was happening, she was still some class 1-A weirdo, so why. He suddenly had a realization, he hadn't met his soulmate yet. Maybe that was why everything was weird, why his thoughts were all messed up, it had to be, right?

Uncomfortably Close (Soulmate AU Bakugou x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now