Chapter 6

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(Sorry it's been so long school sucks)

I wake up to my alarm as normal, but today won't be normal and I already know that. After all, how am I supposed to go back to school and have a normal day after all that had happened yesterday. As I was combing out my h/l h/c hair when a bird crashed against my window. I immediately ran to the window and opened it, but there was no bird anywhere I checked up, down, every single direction, until I saw the boy I bumped into yesterday. I get changed and as I was putting my shoes on my Mom piped up, knowing I was acting strange.

"Y/N, are you alright?"

"Yeah I'm fine Mom, I have to meet up with someone," I spoke struggling to get my shoes on.

"Aren't you gonna eat breakfast?" she asked clearly concerned.

"No sorry Mom, I don't wanna leave them waiting I said as I opened the door, "Bye Mom!"

I walked out and saw the boy there starring at me, it was pretty obvious he was judging me, but I ignored that. We started walking to school and finally properly introduced ourselves, he told me his name was Neito Monoma and that his quirk let him copy they quirk of the person he touches. He knows a girl from another school that can create illusions and they meet up every morning before school (this is based on my head cannons btw) and Monoma borrowed her quirk before she left and he ran over here because he only lives one block away.

"What's your friends name?"

"If you really need to know, her name is Camie."

"That's a really pretty name," I say my e/c orbs drifting up to the sky, "what school does she go to?"

"She goes to Shiketsu High School, if you ask me she could have made it into a far better school though, but obviously she couldn't have done any better than me," I snickered at his statement. "What so funny? If you wish to laugh at me then I will leave you here to walk to school alone," he was trying to act tough, but I could tell he didn't want me to leave.


380 words because I'm tired, I know I don't write often because I only tend to write when I'm motivated so if you want me to write more just tell me

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