3 (m/s) that was cool.

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That was cool.


The screaming of 'Uckers' by Shygirl is all people could hear as you rode down the busy street on your way to the highway in your 2020 Nissan GTR. You'd just picked up your best friend from the airport after she'd arrived from some illegal business she had abroad, now on your way to a party that was being held at some secluded place on the east side of Tokyo- only a week after the last drift race.

As 'Liquorice' by Azealia Banks began playing, you both randomly started singing together which was what you guys called best friend telepathy. You soon neared the exit of the long street heading towards the highway. Pressing on the gas, your car accelerated reaching high speeds as you rode into the sunset feeling the harsh wind flow your hair. Everything was alright.

From your side view mirror, you saw a car speeding up, almost matching your pace, just a few meters behind. You thought nothing of it; even as they eventually rivaled your car in pace, you even threw them a nod as greeting.

Then everything felt slow motion.

Your head instinctively moved back, as your eyes were trained on the bullet that went past you and your best friend's head, cracking a hole in the wall you drove beside. Panic quickly began settling in but lucky for you, the attacker retreated their arm back for the time being.

There was money on your head and you didn't even know.

"Have your gun ready," you said to her while lowering the volume of the music, she nodded in response, reaching for her gun in her bag. Switching your hands on the wheel you quickly rose your tinted window up, before swapping hands once again.

You abruptly pressed on the break, jerking you both forward, but leaving the attacker speeding down unbeknownst to your plan. It gave you enough time before they slowed down, to swerve your car to the left, blocking oncoming cars, and allow her to quickly puncture the wheels of the attacker with her M18 leaving the car to instantly reach a halt. You quickly pressed on the pedal- it instantly booted the car forward, blasting you into the oncoming lane on the opposite side.

You needed to get off this side. Quickly with both hands on the wheel, you spun it 360°, turning you back into the direction of the attacker that was aiming his gun at your car's weak spot: the wheels. Unlucky for him, at full speed, you sped past him before he could even pull the trigger.

From your rearview mirror, you could see him lowering his gun in defeat as cop cars surrounded him and his car whilst the previously blocked cars tried to move around the cop cars.

You turned to your best friend, doing your little handshake with her in victory. Turning up your car volume that played Garage Room Freestyle- its bass vibrating the road- you smiled reflecting on what just happened.

That was cool.

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