9 (m/s) bluffing?

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'Ice Ice Baby' played loudly, rivaling the loudness of Osamu's car. With the windows rolled down, the icy breeze of the night air crawled and stuck on the exposed skin on your body, making you shiver.

Osamu tapped his fingers on the wheel to the beat of the song, enjoying the liveliness it brought him at the time of day. It was a song that resonated with him in some way.

"So, imma gonna get my car anytime soon?" You spoke up.

"Yea, after y'see what boss wants ya' to," he responds.

You hummed and left it at that.

"Yer' really pretty y'know," he admitted.

"I don't want your compliments," you responded.

"Take it or leave it," he says, eyes now glued to the road.

You admit, Osamu was handsome, he had the charms, looks, and body. No doubt, you'd give him a chance if you weren't with Kiyoomi, but you were, so you left it at that.

" Y'made a mistake being with Kiyoomi," he spoke up.

Ignorantly amused, you humor him, "How so."

"Weren't y'targeted earlier today? I'm sure y'were, some newbie from our gang was sent to kill'y and yer' best friend, but ended up being arrested.. lame," he snickered.

"Oh. So it was you," and he nodded.

"But that doesn't answer my question," you retorted.

"Yer stupid," he chuckles pressing his break at the red light. You gave him a dirty look.

"Don't call me—"

" Y'have money on your head," he reveals.

You sat in disbelief, questions were flooding your head.

"How? Why? When—"

"Hey pretty, relax, that's what yer' gonna find out," he attempts to calm you.

"Who did it?" You look at him with a frantic expression.

Osamu looks at you cheekily. "Ya really wanna know?" Mischief lacing his tone.

"Yes," you state.

"Yer' beloved Sakusa Kiyoomi."

"Lies," you shake your head in disbelief, slouching into his low seats.

"We have proof," he retorts.

You couldn't help the stir of belief that settled in your stomach as you thought of Kiyoomi actually doing something like that. The confidence Osamu was putting up was starting to make you believe him.

Did Kiyoomi really put money on your head?

Or was Osamu bluffing?

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